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Thread: Bass music from neighbours causing panic attacks

  1. #61

    Re: Bass music from neighbours causing panic attacks

    Police Community Support officers visited me unexpectedly yesterday. I explained the problems I am having as best I could, but not being prepared for their visit I forgot to mention a whole bunch of things I really wanted to. I feel I didn't explain the gravity of the situation very well, and that when they report back to the council it won't accurately represent how bad my situation is.

    They did say they would see me again, so at least I am now on their radar, but I just have the feeling that they are ticking boxes to cover the obligations from my Community Trigger application.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: Bass music from neighbours causing panic attacks

    It might be worthwhile keeping a list of points for discussion to hand should they visit again.

  3. #63

    Re: Bass music from neighbours causing panic attacks

    Quote Originally Posted by Pamplemousse View Post
    It might be worthwhile keeping a list of points for discussion to hand should they visit again.
    Thanks. Yes, this is what I usually do if I have a fone call or appointment. The officer actually called again two days later and I remembered a few more thing I had negelected to say first time around. They did say they will call me beforehand in future too.

    After this I then received another email from the community trigger office. They held another meeting [again without notifying me beforehand] and now want me to provide access to my medical records and attend a mental health assesment. They say this is to help me with the problems I am experiencing, but it feels like I am being put on trial to prove that I am not a nut case who is over reacting. Really p****d about this.

  4. #64

    Re: Bass music from neighbours causing panic attacks

    Last week I had a visit from Community Trigger/Community Safety team. Basically arranging yet more counselling because "there are concerns for my mental health." This is something I was going to do myself anyway [and have done twice in the previous 4 years] so it just smacks of lip service.

    If there is so much concern why don't they deal properly with the person causing me problems, instead of letting me continue living in an unhealthy environment? The head of housing just continues to close the case after each complaint, because I can't supply evidence. Impossible to get after something has already happened.

    In November 2019 the environmental health officer said to me "you can't live like that." But here I am living like that. 4 years and counting.

  5. #65

    Re: Bass music from neighbours causing panic attacks

    The last two nights hardly any sleep because A**ehole neighbour sits up all night with two people visiting her being loud and rowdy. Had what I believe was hypertension at 4am, double fast heart rate. Never had that before.

    Council tell me to use the noise app to get evidence - I tried but find out today they blocked me on it because they closed the case again in November.

    Environmental Health don't want to deal with it and sent me to housing. Housing sent me back to Envioronmental Health to get the noise app unblocked, but Environmental Health sent me back to Housing. Again.

    Surely noise nuisance in the night IS an Environmental Health issue. Nasty Neighbour filed a false complaint against me in December for the exact same nightime noise issues, and Env Health issued me a warning letter. But when I make a genuine complaint, they tell me it's a Housing issue.

    Housing just don't do anything. I guess it's looking like the ombudsmen.

  6. #66

    Re: Bass music from neighbours causing panic attacks

    Friday night. Worst in the four years this has been going on. I was expecting another disruptive nights sleep, but nothing prepared me this.
    About 9 the music [which they have an abatement for] start, shouting and thumping on then walls. At 10.15pm massive thumps against the wall [no idea how they managed that without doing damage]
    I called 101 and the police told me that was harrassment. They couldn't send anyone but to call back if it happened again. It did so I called again, they said maybe would call if possible but unlikely. Arrangement was made for a police visit on Saturday night.

    The massive thumps and music started again even worse, I actually went from anxious to being outright scared. Called police again out of desperation and they updated the case notes. Called the council out of hours who took notes.

    Saturday night came and the police didn't attend but called on the phone. Took details but said there was nothing they could do, but they would inform the local PCSO [which I had already done.]

    Saturday was relatively quiet and I got the first full nights sleep since Tuesday. Scumbags still hanging around outside, and I'm still feeling scared. Dreading if things kick off again tonight.

  7. #67

    Re: Bass music from neighbours causing panic attacks

    Update: Head of housing just told me "move or go and stay with friends or family." Also "use the noise app," even though I am blocked from submitting evidence.

  8. #68

    Re: Bass music from neighbours causing panic attacks

    I'll discontinue posting here unless someone shows any interest. Thanks for all the previous replies.

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Re: Bass music from neighbours causing panic attacks

    Quote Originally Posted by andrew68 View Post
    I'll discontinue posting here unless someone shows any interest. Thanks for all the previous replies.
    Keep a diary phone 101 if it’s at unreasonable hours however I think during the lockdown I presume normal avenues of reporting these issues will come to anything unless it is like four am and ludicrous then phone 101

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  10. #70
    KK77's Avatar
    KK77 is offline NMP Complaints Mismanagement Controller
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    Re: Bass music from neighbours causing panic attacks

    Quote Originally Posted by andrew68 View Post
    I'll discontinue posting here unless someone shows any interest. Thanks for all the previous replies.
    I have been following this thread, as I'm sure others have too, but it's hard offering advice you haven't already had.

    If this situation is continuing, I can only suggest you push, and keep pushing, to be moved. You have to make the case for this: it's either you or your antisocial neighbour because I think you have exhausted all other reasonable attempts at resolving this.

    I do appreciate this is easy for me to say but I really can't see any other alternative, Andrew.

    Never Surrender, Comrade

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