
I came off sertraline 10 days ago after decreasing to 50mg for 2 weeks, I was on 100mg for approx 3 months, having severe side effects, "brain zaps", "brain shocks", "brain shivers", "head shocks", feel sick and dizzy, also a bit short tempered, my mood / anxiety / depression feels fine....so i guess there is a small positive.

Anyone else suffered with the electric shock head zaps? If so how long do they last.

I went to my GP today and he said he has never heard of this...yet i look on wikipedia .... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SSRI_di...ation_syndrome and hey presto it says they are a side effect!!

I was worried it was something non related, good old GP !!

Hope someone can help with how long i have to cope with what feels like been tazered every 5 minutes!!

Thanks Mark