I've got visual snow (the TV interference kind mostly), tremors noticeable mostly when at rest, weird feelings in hands (occasionally they seize up), tinnitus, and a few other symptoms.

The visual snow is only a sign that something is wrong very very rarely, and if that thing was wrong it would have 100% shown up in an eye test and MRI. Both were fine. The issues in my hands are resultant of compression of my thoracic outlet, which is caused by tense back and neck muscles which in turn is caused by wearing my shoulders as earrings due to anxiety. The tremors when resting are very very common, and are resultant of all the excess energy we store in tense muscles being released at rest.

Once you begin to accept what's wrong with you, you'll be on the road to recovery. Anxiety is a real thing, a real diagnosis with real symptoms. It's not just something the doctors say when they can't think of anything else.