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Thread: blip again, wish it would stop!

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: blip again, wish it would stop!


    I'm still having a good week, however, my anx and panic attacks are back, now realising that cit helped in away, though cause me to suffer the side affects and lose motivation, when I go and see my gp next week, am going to ask her if there is something that can help reduce the anx and panic attacks.

    I look back to see why I feel so anx and panicky, I can not find anything, then I look to see what is ahead, maybe it cause of the anniversary of my mom's death, though it has been 12 years ago. I dont know why I'm getting panicky over that. maybe because I want to stay out of hospital this time, if I get past it this time round, then I will be able to get past that time of year, every year.

    I hope I get past these panic attacks, puts you off your food.


  2. #12
    KK77's Avatar
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    Re: blip again, wish it would stop!

    Don't forget that coming off citalopram can cause temporary anxiety and panic. It can be part of the withdrawal process.

    When you see your doctor discuss how you feel. But it could be a temporary withdrawal blip and you may feel better again next week. It doesn't automatically mean you need to go back on citalopram.

    Let us know how you get on Yvonne and wish you well.

    Never Surrender, Comrade

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: blip again, wish it would stop!

    Hi Melancholia77,

    Thank you for the advice, propably that's what it is, I will let my gp know how I'm feeling. well that's Christmas over with, thank goodness, now for new year. Yes I will let you know how I get on. Hope you have good day today.


  4. #14
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    Re: blip again, wish it would stop!

    Hi Melancholia77,

    I went to see the dr this morning, I let the dr know about the panic attacks, she says they are not withdrawal symptoms from cit, she also says that no way she putting me back on to cit, though she has given me more trazodone 7 days worth. I've to take them at night, after I have taken my usual doseage 50mg, and only if I get panicky to panic attack, I can take another one and to see how things go, I have another double appointment with her next week. after discussing with the dr, I realised that there is a whole lot of things going on in my life that can cause me to get very panicy about. Being refused funding for course, my friend going home for good in Feb 2010. plus new year's eve is tomorrow the anversiry of my mums death. and a few other things too. that I am working towards staying out of hospital this coming year. I dont want to go into hospital and spend another 2 months. hopefully after new year has passed, I will be less panicky. hopefully not panicky.


  5. #15
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    Re: blip again, wish it would stop!


    Still having panic attacks, now they have got worse, not just panicking in the evening, I'm also panicking during the day. I wish it would stop, very draining and tiring. I keep telling myself to relax and listen to relaxng music. though this did not seem to be helping, eventually last night I managed to relax, and go to sleep with out having a panic attack, though it was short lived, I woke up in the middle of panick attack at 3am, took ages to stop, then I had more of these horrible panic attacks, trying to relax and stop it from taking control.

    I'm going to have to pull out of my uni course, as I can not consentrate on my assignments, got to get this panic attacks under control. it feels like forever.

    is there any other ideas to help to overcome them. very much appreciate any ideas please.

    I managed to get past new years eve, then had my family up the next day, and we ended up talking about my mom, my son wanted to know what happened the night before my mom died. gee I knew this was helping my son with his problem, did not help me with mine, after my family went a way home, my panic attacks got worse that day, I have only just got over the overwhelming stage with the help of First Crisis.

    I very much want to o/d or self harm, thank God I didnt.


  6. #16
    KK77's Avatar
    KK77 is offline NMP Complaints Mismanagement Controller
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    Re: blip again, wish it would stop!

    Things will gradually get better Yvonne - it's just the time of year as you've said, the memories and fears ... you're bound to feel panicky and low.

    From what you've said, you've done very well to keep out of hospital and I'm sure that you can keep it up. Let the panic attacks come and go - don't fight them, and they'll gradually decrease in intensity and frequency. Also, if you're just on trazodone, perhaps your GP could give you something extra to get through this period? Perhaps some diazepam? Don't be afraid to ask your GP - they may say no but you have the right to ask for an alternative.

    Keep strong and be positive that this will get better and eventually pass. You've done incredibly well already and nothing lasts for ever - the good or the bad ... it all comes to an end...

    Take care and keep posting your updates here.

    All the best.

    Never Surrender, Comrade

  7. #17
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    Dec 2009

    Re: blip again, wish it would stop!

    Hi Melancholia77,

    Thank you Melancholia77, for your advice and support very much appreciated, thanks.

    One stress releifed, I had an appointment with my tutor today over the phone, his advice was to continue with my course, though I can defer part B for the Spring and start it in August 2010, just keep doing the two modules that I'm studying just now. what a releif this is, means I can pay for the two that I'm doing now and pay for the rest in August, or If I change my mind, I can be come associate Student and study a module at a time. Now I have time to think about it. plus I can have extra time to complete my assignments. I hope these panic attacks will eventually stop. since the phone call to my tutor, I have not had a panick attack today. Praise God for that. I got a letter to write now. going to write my letter to helpdesk to get part B deferred. let you know what happens. plus let you know if I have anymore panic attacks.


  8. #18

    Re: blip again, wish it would stop!

    Quote Originally Posted by yvonne_uk_98 View Post
    Hi Melancholia77,

    Thank you Melancholia77, for your advice and support very much appreciated, thanks.

    One stress releifed, I had an appointment with my tutor today over the phone, his advice was to continue with my course, though I can defer part B for the Spring and start it in August 2010, just keep doing the two modules that I'm studying just now. what a releif this is, means I can pay for the two that I'm doing now and pay for the rest in August, or If I change my mind, I can be come associate Student and study a module at a time. Now I have time to think about it. plus I can have extra time to complete my assignments. I hope these panic attacks will eventually stop. since the phone call to my tutor, I have not had a panick attack today. Praise God for that. I got a letter to write now. going to write my letter to helpdesk to get part B deferred. let you know what happens. plus let you know if I have anymore panic attacks.

    I know it might seem a bit random, but since you're not medicating right now, had you considered learning about tapping or thought field therapy? Those are really good for controlling the symptoms of a panic attack, if you take the time to learn the techniques right. They aren't a cure by any means, but if you can actually control it when it happens, it might not be so bad.
    Last edited by Gaz1981; 05-01-10 at 00:30.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: blip again, wish it would stop!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gaz1981 View Post
    I know it might seem a bit random, but since you're not medicating right now, had you considered learning about tapping or thought field therapy? Those are really good for controlling the symptoms of a panic attack, if you take the time to learn the techniques right. They aren't a cure by any means, but if you can actually control it when it happens, it might not be so bad.

    Hi Gaz1981,

    Thank you for your advice, may I ask what do you mean by tapping or thought field therapy?

    Please could you explain, very much appreciated thanks.


  10. #20

    Re: blip again, wish it would stop!

    I was introduced to this technique by a woman called Gill Harvey Bush. She does lots of things like tapping, thought field therapy, hypnotherapy etc etc. She really knows her stuff, she was trained by Paul McKenna and shes also been on the Jeremy Kyle show as part of their therapy team.

    I was looking for her site because she did telephone consultations too, but it appears shes isn't doing it anymore. Shame, she really was good at it. I found these videos on Youtube though and they really give you a good idea of what you're supposed to be doing to get the results you're after.

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