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Thread: Having a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Having a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

    Well I did post in the Colonoscopy thread, but since found out that they told me the wrong procedure, I am now having a flexible sigmoidoscopy. Funny isn't it, when I thought I was having a 15-30 min procedure with the colonoscopy, I was so anxious and wanted to put the procedure off for a while, but now I know I am having a shorter procedure, I feel so much better now. I know it won't be lovely...obviously...but I do feel better.

    Its booked for Friday, 1 October, at 10am. The Specialist was pretty sure he wouldnt' find anything as he thinks my different bowel movements over the past couple of months, were all to do with my anxiety and panic attacks, which is what I think as well, because when I am calm, I have no bowel problems at all. But he wants to be on the safe side and so do I. Oh well, need to get it done so onwards and upwards! (urrrgh, another achievement for me to write down when its finished!

  2. #2

    Re: Having a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

    Great news! All the best for it, i am sure they will find nothing .

    Will you have sedation? Don't worry if not, i've had them without, they're fine - best way to explain it, in my opinion is like having a reverse poo! It feels like a poo is being sucked in, not squeezed out! Weird sensation.

    I'm sure it'll be fine, but let us know how you get on! x
    Follow me on Twitter @lecb

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: Having a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

    Quote Originally Posted by lecb View Post
    Great news! All the best for it, i am sure they will find nothing .

    Will you have sedation? Don't worry if not, i've had them without, they're fine - best way to explain it, in my opinion is like having a reverse poo! It feels like a poo is being sucked in, not squeezed out! Weird sensation.

    I'm sure it'll be fine, but let us know how you get on! x
    Thanks for giving me a chuckle.

    I have to postpone it as my other half cannot get any time off work as his boss is away, I wanted to get it out of the way actually after initially wanting to postpone it, typical! Going to ring them today, I am giving the hospital just over a week's notice so hopefully someone else can have my slot....oooh err, pardon the pun.

    Re sedation, depending how I feel on the day, might take a 2mg Diazapam before I leave, I checked with the nurse, she said that would be ok but to tell them when I get there. I am a chicken, so sedation...probably.
    Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.

    Anthony J. D'Angelo

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Having a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

    Hi, I had my flexible sigmoidoscopy last week (after cancelling the first!). I also suffer anxiety/ibs etc and my doctor saidthe same (even though I was bleeding from back passage!). I didn't have any sedation because I am scared of hospitals so needed to get it done quickly and get out of there! I'm glad I didn't as it was completely painless apart from at the end when I was holding in all the air that was pumped into me (till I got to the toilet anyway!!!) lol.

    I had diverticulitis and piles. Nothing major, like my Dr suspected, and can honestly say if I ever had to have another one, it wouldn't bother me again. I've got an upper endoscopy on the 8th of October and will work myself up again for that one now ;-)

    Good luck x

  5. #5
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    Sep 2008

    Re: Having a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

    Quote Originally Posted by jenza20 View Post
    Hi, I had my flexible sigmoidoscopy last week (after cancelling the first!). I also suffer anxiety/ibs etc and my doctor saidthe same (even though I was bleeding from back passage!). I didn't have any sedation because I am scared of hospitals so needed to get it done quickly and get out of there! I'm glad I didn't as it was completely painless apart from at the end when I was holding in all the air that was pumped into me (till I got to the toilet anyway!!!) lol.

    I had diverticulitis and piles. Nothing major, like my Dr suspected, and can honestly say if I ever had to have another one, it wouldn't bother me again. I've got an upper endoscopy on the 8th of October and will work myself up again for that one now ;-)

    Good luck x
    Thanks for that. I need all the reassurance I can get. And I am sure your procedure on 8th Oct will go smoothly. xx
    Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.

    Anthony J. D'Angelo

  6. #6
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    Sep 2008

    Re: Having a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

    Well its now on Tues, 5 Oct, at 3.30pm. Would rather it was first thing but nothing I can do about that. Have to start taking the stuff 7pm night before, then the second lot, 7am on the morning of the procedure. Other half is going to take the day off.

    Might have to take a 2mg Diazapam before I get to the hospital but might not, see how I feel. Just want it over and done with now! Its going to be difficult voluntarily taking something which is going to give me diarrhoea. Ho hum.
    Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.

    Anthony J. D'Angelo

  7. #7
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    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Having a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

    I am surprised you have to take the fleet preparation stuff.

    For both of my sigmoidoscopies I was given enemas about 30 mins before and that did the job so to speak!

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  8. #8
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    Re: Having a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

    Quote Originally Posted by nomorepanic View Post
    I am surprised you have to take the fleet preparation stuff.

    For both of my sigmoidoscopies I was given enemas about 30 mins before and that did the job so to speak!
    Really? I wish I could do the latter, taking something right before the procedure, instead of the night before and the next morning. Bummer...pardon the pun.
    Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.

    Anthony J. D'Angelo

  9. #9
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    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Having a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

    You could ask them about it I guess. The fleet prep drink stuff is usually done for colonoscopies.

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Re: Having a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

    Sounds like thay have made a mistake ..I never had to have that stuff either .I never had anything ...Good job I was empty ..lmao Sue x

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