Quote Originally Posted by SamL94 View Post
I'd just like to pick you up on something there. I have had NONE of the tests that you have just mentioned, yet you keep telling me to stop worrying and to listen to my doctors.

These are the tests I have had:
Blood tests

Now, you've already admitted that blood tests would not show throat cancer. You also didn't put ultrasound in to your list of tests that would show something, which obviously shows that that isn't a great test. And as for the gastroscopy, while it is similar to an endoscopy, it does not actually focus on the throat, which means it is more likely to miss something.

If I have had none of these tests done that you listed then why should I be so sure that I don't have throat cancer?
Well...let's put it this way. Tests, medical professional's exams and diagnosis and my own personal experience with Head and Neck cancer aside, in the time since you started having symptoms and posting here (a couple of months and probably longer), there would have been a noticeable increase in severity.

Nothing anyone says in this medium is really going to help so if you're more comfortable chasing a diagnosis (that I feel will never come) then that's your decision to do so.

Best of luck to you and as always

Positive thoughts