
I've had a very stressful few months which have resulted in acute anxiety and panic attacks. My sleep has been seriously disturbed and I suffer from palpitations, chest constriction and a burning sensation in the chest.

I've been prescribed prozac (which I came off very quickly as it had me bouncing off the walls). The doctor then gave me a very small quanitity of valium followed by tamazapan to try to break the cycle. Currently on 3 x 40 mg propanalol for the palpitations, and zimavan to help me sleep at night. I've just discovered (thru this site) Bach remedy, which I took for the first time yesterday and which I think helped me have my best night for some time.

I'm currently lucky if I get 4 hours sleep per night, even with the aid of the zimavane. I think the addition of the Bach remedy and a glass of warm milk yesterday contributed to a better night. Have tried always to eat healthily - including those foods which contain tryptophan (the precursor to the body producing seratonin),

It doesn't help that I've just hit the menopause, which brings its ownset of problems/issues.

I would dearly love to get through this as naturally as possible - and I would love to hear from anybody who could help - particularly any ideas about how to improve the sleep issue.

Also, is there anybody out there using the Bach remedy who could advise if one can 'overdose' by exceeding the "4 drops 4 times a day" guidelines.

