A year ago i started to have panic attacks they got bad for about 2 months, i had one so bad that i thought i was going crazy, after that i felt very strange and depressed because i had no idea what happend to me. I finally shook it off and felt normal (took about 2 months). I felt 80% normal for about 4 months and then i had another jolt of anxiety rush to my head, after that i kept worrying well accually fearing that i might go comletlely crazy one day for about 3 months. now i have been in a wierd state of mind and i think its DR DP (derealization) my vision seems a bit foggy and i can't deal with reality. My thoughts are very intense, i keep thinking of the universe and how everything is possible and i keep thinking of my mind and how its there. The last month has been scary. I just keep fearing that one day im going to go completly mad from all the mind boggling thoughts i have, i just can't stop thinking deeply about everthing. anyways there my story-well my life right now. im 18 so that sort of makes things worse, i can't really party with my friends anymore because my fear is taking controll of my life, i just can't believe what happening to me, i just want my old self back!- sorry i posted the same mesage on "introduce yourself" i saw symptoms so i posted here too