Quote Originally Posted by Bigboyuk View Post
Hi TG well reading through your last post its very good, you listed 8 things that you no longer have so rationally you have nothing serious or life threatning Did the break from the forum help you!? Try harder for the next break away. Remember a change is as good as a rest my friend ATB
Thank you BBUK! Yeah that's my new approach, hopefully I can stick with it.

I think I need to make the break(s) longer for sure, and remember if/when I do come to the forums not to look at anything relating to what I might be worrying about.

I came here to reply to Katie, thought I'd have a look around, and spotted a lymph node thread (my favorite subject as you know! ) clicked on the related threads and found that quote above.

Trying not to dwell on those little b*stards, will not be touching any of them for a week before giving them another check. They don't seem to be getting bigger though, even to my irrational side. Just that they flare up for whatever reason.

The number of them still bugs me too, but I've not got any fat left in that region, so I'm bound to be able to find a bunch aren't I?