Hiya nic. i doubt there is anything wrong with ur throat hun but if going to the docs gives you reasurance and relives ur mind then plz do so. deep down you know this is all anx and stress related. you have had to deal with a lot over the last few wks with the chat room and the nasty emails you were getting also any other things you have had to deal with. you have now gone into over drive and worried urself and it is makeing the situation with ur throat worse. I get this a lot and i know how scary it can be, the lump in the throat feeling seems to say with me for wks then will give me a little break then come back again.
Have you tried sucking ice cubes when it is realy bad ? i found this very soothing and the coldness helped my throat muscles to relax some. keep ur tounge away from the roof of ur mouth and dont clench your jaw as im sure you know this will make it worse.
i realy hope this stops for you soon.
love and happiness.
take care.
