hi i had awfull time last night i was on the fone and i felt my chest tight i stood up and took a deep breath in and i had a awwfull pain round my ribs and in my chest and a terrible light headed feeling like my blood pressure lowering it only lasted a minute but then i felt my chest tight and pain and i rushed to hospital in the hospital i couldnt breathe properly and the chest tightness came in waves it was like someone had put there had on my heart and was squeezing it my chest muscles between my breasts felt as if they were crushing i started sweating terribley and my heart started to pound really fast.they did 4 ecgs blood tests for lungs and heart and chest x ray and in the end they said anxiety and muscular .i cant beleive a panic attack is that bad .ihave suffered anxiety for a long time but that was the worst.im terrified it comes on again keep getting pains and tightness they gave me some diazipan.has any 1 else been that bad.thank you for any help you can all offer marcia

marcia lowe