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Thread: I don't know what to do anymore at this point

  1. #1

    I don't know what to do anymore at this point

    Okay, so this is my first thread I made.

    Sorry for sounding blundt about it, but please don't just tell me it's effing anxiety.

    Anxiety wouldn't cause me back pain/soreness/stiffness, body aches, abdominal pain, some swollen abdominal lymph nodes near the cecum, stool that still isn't normal, pains in my chest not seemingly heart related, headaches/dizzyness, and left hand/foot tingling and weakness. I've had literally countless tests done. I don't know what to do anymore. I've also now honestly noticed that I have lost a little more weight that is beyond just the colonoscopy prep. I also had some more heart palps for a few days.

    Why are there some swollen lymph nodes, yet why can't my GI find anything specifically wrong from colonoscopy, endoscopy, and the rest of the ct scan? How could I have some fatigue and potential weight loss, plus some blood in stool, but no anemia detected? What is causing the back pains and other aches? I'm just bewildered right now. I know someone will just say go see a therapist and get over it. So do I just say "oh well, I feel shitty, just let it go."?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: I don't know what to do anymore at this point

    Quote Originally Posted by skiwalker View Post
    Sorry for sounding blundt about it, but please don't just tell me it's effing anxiety.

    Please read THIS and THIS.

    And keep in mind the site you're posting on

    Good luck and as always...

    Positive thoughts
    Last edited by Fishmanpa; 19-04-17 at 17:57.
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: I don't know what to do anymore at this point

    You seem to be demanding an answer that nobody here can give you.

    If you're not willing to accept that these symptoms can at least be caused by anxiety then I don't really see the point in asking the question on an anxiety forum.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: I don't know what to do anymore at this point

    I'm sorry but i've read through your other thread and people have done their best to convince you that this is just anxiety. Or at worst a thyroid problem, which isn't serious by the way. If you have had your thyroid checked and it came back clear then i'm sorry but it absolutely is anxiety. You've had more tests in the past year than i've had my whole life, these tests do not make a habit of missing details. If I had all the tests you had and got told there was nothing wrong with me, i'd be thrilled but you don't seem to be able to accept that this is just severe anxiety.

    Every symptom you've listed as "not anxiety" are some of the most notorious symptoms of an anxiety disorder. The only exception is the lymph nodes which you have probably poked and prodded to death, so it's no wonder they've swollen. You also don't mention whether the doctor has confirmed that they are swollen, or if you are making the assumption that they are despite not being medically trained.

    I'm sorry if this post seems blunt or antagonistic, but people have tried really hard to help you see that this is an anxiety problem and whether you intended it this way or not, you've started the thread on the defensive and are already shunning our advice before we've given it.

    Right now you have two choices. Accept that this is all being caused by your anxiety and that you need professional help, or continue spiralling down this rabbit hole for years to come because right now no amount of reassurance from doctors or anyone here is going to convince you otherwise.

    I truly wish you all the best, but please get help with your anxiety now while you have the chance.
    Current meds:

    Pregabalin 300mg

  5. #5

    Re: I don't know what to do anymore at this point

    Quote Originally Posted by Mindprison View Post
    I'm sorry but i've read through your other thread and people have done their best to convince you that this is just anxiety. Or at worst a thyroid problem, which isn't serious by the way. If you have had your thyroid checked and it came back clear then i'm sorry but it absolutely is anxiety. You've had more tests in the past year than i've had my whole life, these tests do not make a habit of missing details. If I had all the tests you had and got told there was nothing wrong with me, i'd be thrilled but you don't seem to be able to accept that this is just severe anxiety.

    Every symptom you've listed as "not anxiety" are some of the most notorious symptoms of an anxiety disorder. The only exception is the lymph nodes which you have probably poked and prodded to death, so it's no wonder they've swollen. You also don't mention whether the doctor has confirmed that they are swollen, or if you are making the assumption that they are despite not being medically trained.

    I'm sorry if this post seems blunt or antagonistic, but people have tried really hard to help you see that this is an anxiety problem and whether you intended it this way or not, you've started the thread on the defensive and are already shunning our advice before we've given it.

    Right now you have two choices. Accept that this is all being caused by your anxiety and that you need professional help, or continue spiralling down this rabbit hole for years to come because right now no amount of reassurance from doctors or anyone here is going to convince you otherwise.

    I truly wish you all the best, but please get help with your anxiety now while you have the chance.
    I've tried relaxing multiple times recently, and that doesn't make the symptoms better. How can I just ignore waking up with a super stiff back and pains? And I can't poke and prod at abdominal lymph nodes since they aren't like the ones on your neck, underarms, etc. It goes beyond just anxiety. I was feeling completely fine until December and started having problems that got worse. It's not like I have constantly had anxiety forever. I want to not feel shitty.

  6. #6

    Re: I don't know what to do anymore at this point

    Hi Ski,
    Yes, anxiety may not directly cause some of those systems, (though most you listed can absolutely be caused by anxiety) it can affect your reaction to them and it is that reaction that is making you so miserable at the moment.

    Also anxiety can heighten your awareness of symptoms that you have previously had/ or have always been normal for you.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: I don't know what to do anymore at this point


    I'm truly sorry that you're feeling so ill. I hope that something can be done for you.

    I'm not trying to stick my head into the lion's mouth, but I never had physical anxiety symptoms until after November 2015. Just because you never had the physical symptoms before doesn't mean they can't pop up now.

    Did you have any traumatic or dramatic changes in your life around the time this started?

    Trying some relaxation techniques recently isn't going to cut it for you. You seem to have tried and exhausted all of the medical explanations for your issues. Would you at least try to see someone about anxiety to just see if it could help?

    I can't tell you how sorry I am that this is happening to you and that you feel bewildered, but you haven't run out of options. Therapy is still there.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: I don't know what to do anymore at this point

    Ok, I can see why you are worried. I think that we all go through those thoughts of "this isn't normal" "Why is this happening to me now" etc etc. Because you've had so many tests done and they've all come back clear it is really difficult not to contribute your symptoms to anxiety and oversensitivity, which in itself is a medical issue. Stress puts a lot of strain on the digestion system and can eventually lead to actual diseases in the small and large intestines, stomach, etc. These are things that I would suggest that you do for at least a month to see if you feel any much improved:

    *Drinks a lot of water, perhaps a little more than the recommended amount
    *Take a probiotic, stress can really through off gut flora which could be the reasons for your abdominal issues
    *Go on a rigid diet, cutting out things too high in iron, dairy, and eating foods with a lot of fiber
    *Stay away from consuming alcohol, smoking, and eating white and sugary foods
    *Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night
    *Also for your pains try a massage or a chiropractor: Something within you could be out of alignment

    Those are all proactive things that you can do that would probably get rid of most of what you are going through. If it was something that lifestyle changes couldnt fix, it would have most definitely showed up in your scans. Ive had experience, not personally, but through close family members who have had these issues you mentioned and doing the above steps has cured them of it indefinitely. I promise you on that one, you just have to stick to it. The first month is always the hardest.

    Don't feel like you are being attacked on here, most people can sympathize with how you are feeling. And you are correct; you do know your body more than anyone else. We all have those internal feelings that tell us that something is off. In your case it sounds like things that you personally have to change. That isn't an insult just an opinion. Stress is one of the number one damaging factors to our health and it sounds like you have a lot of it whether you realize it or not. If there were something gravely wrong with would know. Extreme nausea and vomitting, being unable to walk because abdominal pain is so bad, rashes, severe discoloration: those are all telltale signs that something in your abdominal area is wrong. Believe it or not, the symptoms that you do mention are actually perfectly coexistent with anxiety. What a lot of people don't understand is that anxiety is a physical condition caused my your psyche. It absolutely does cause pains, aches, dizziness, stomach problems, sleep problems, you name it. So I think that if you want to get better, you should take my suggestions. Even talk to your doctor about them or a nutritionist if you want more reassuring.

    Good luck with everything. I'm sure you'll be fine.
    Last edited by Jackrabbit; 19-04-17 at 18:11.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: I don't know what to do anymore at this point

    Stiff back and pains could easily be from anxiety, we carry a lot of tension there. I would recommend maybe going to a chiropractor regarding that they can really help with back aches and many other even if just caused by anxiety. Also maybe look into therapy for sure or maybe even some temporary medication that would help you cope?
    Also depends on your beliefs and financial situation but u could look into alternative medicine. When I was having very bad physical symptoms of anxiety (many of which u mentioned) literally nothing helped until I went to acupuncture a couple of times and bioenergy treatments. I had very bad persistent dizziness constantly to the point I could'nt stand as well as very bad vision and NOTHING helped until I attended a couple of bioenergy treatments and it literally disappeared after about 4 sessions and hasn't come back since. Some people may call it bs or placebo or whatever I don't know how it works or whats the logic behind it, I'm just saying it made an incredible difference with me. As I said, not forcing any beliefs on anyone and yes it can be a bit costly but it could be worth staying open minded and giving it a try. And obviously therapy as well to sort out what is causing you to feel like that in the first place.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: I don't know what to do anymore at this point

    I hope he hasn't quit on this forum because of the backlash. I really think a lot of the suggestions on her could help....

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