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Thread: so worried I have MS and optic neuritis

  1. #1

    so worried I have MS and optic neuritis

    The past few weeks I've been experiencing flashes in my vision. The best way I can describe them is glowing floaters. If I stare at something like a wall a few 'glowing' dots will appear. They aren't normal floaters because I have a lot of those and these are completely different.
    Also, when I look at the sky I see loads of sparkles and I know lots of people get this too but I never used to get it and now its overwhelming.

    I googled about the flashes and it said Optic Neuritis which MS sufferers get ,and now I'm convinced I have it. I read about the symptoms, one is loss of side/peripheral vision and so now I'm obsessed with testing my eyes by looking to the sides and I think I have less peripheral vision on my right side which is freaking me out.
    I can also see my nose more in my vision on my right side - and another optic neuritis symptom is blind spots! It seems every symptom I get :(

    Other things convincing me I have MS are random twitches in my body and random shooting pains, and a cold tingling sensation. Also randomly throughout the day I'll get a headache on my right side only, not every day but some days so now I'm 99% sure I have MS (or a brain tumor) because all my problems seem to be on the right side!

    I really want to go to the optician because that would put my mind at rest so much if nothing was wrong, but I'm so scared they will find something :(

    Has anyone else had this optic neuritis fear or those glowing floater things?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: so worried I have MS and optic neuritis

    Quote Originally Posted by amy357 View Post
    I'm 99% sure I have MS (or a brain tumor)
    If you're that sure, then nothing said here will sway you. I'm not one for paid reassurance but it would be fruitless to try and tell you otherwise if you're that convinced. I suggest you see your GP with your concerns. Take a copy of this post as well. It's vital that they see it to help you.

    That being said, I have a "Told ya so" all ready

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  3. #3
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    Re: so worried I have MS and optic neuritis

    I sometimes have flashing floaters in my eyes that look similar to a shooting star. I went to the eye doctor and my optic nerve is great and she said there was nothing to worry about. Sometimes... our bodies just do funny things. As much as it sounds like I am a hypocrite, the best thing would be to stay off of Google.

  4. #4

    Re: so worried I have MS and optic neuritis

    Quote Originally Posted by amy357 View Post
    The past few weeks I've been experiencing flashes in my vision. The best way I can describe them is glowing floaters. If I stare at something like a wall a few 'glowing' dots will appear. They aren't normal floaters because I have a lot of those and these are completely different.
    Also, when I look at the sky I see loads of sparkles and I know lots of people get this too but I never used to get it and now its overwhelming.

    I googled about the flashes and it said Optic Neuritis which MS sufferers get ,and now I'm convinced I have it. I read about the symptoms, one is loss of side/peripheral vision and so now I'm obsessed with testing my eyes by looking to the sides and I think I have less peripheral vision on my right side which is freaking me out.
    I can also see my nose more in my vision on my right side - and another optic neuritis symptom is blind spots! It seems every symptom I get :(

    Other things convincing me I have MS are random twitches in my body and random shooting pains, and a cold tingling sensation. Also randomly throughout the day I'll get a headache on my right side only, not every day but some days so now I'm 99% sure I have MS (or a brain tumor) because all my problems seem to be on the right side!

    I really want to go to the optician because that would put my mind at rest so much if nothing was wrong, but I'm so scared they will find something :(

    Has anyone else had this optic neuritis fear or those glowing floater things?

    I too had the same fears as you about optic neuritis and having MS and brain tumour. First of all don’t google your symptoms. It will just make things worse and cause your anxiety to go through the roof.

    I had near enough the same eye symptoms as you as well and also shootings pains, headache and pins and needles.

    I would suggest as the other poster did to go and see a doctor, and get your eyes checked also, as you seemed so convinced. I seriously doubt you have either issues.

    If you had optic neuritis you would likely have other symptoms too. Pain in the eye, esp when moving, you would lose vision usually in one eye and the colours in one eye would usually be faded and washed out. Will be hard to contrast images in your vision.
    The optician can see (in a lot of cases) that the optic nerve is inflamed in optic neuritis.

    It’s normal to have some vision differences between each eye and how the brain interprets. You have become obsessed in checking the differences that you will inevitably spot something (just like I did) but in the end everything is fine.

    Please stop worrying and perhaps best to see the health professionals for piece of mind.

  5. #5
    KK77's Avatar
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    Re: so worried I have MS and optic neuritis

    You've had these vision 'issues' and worries about a neurological illness for a long time now Amy. I think it's high time you spoke to a doctor who can check your eyes and other signs, or make an appointment with an optician.

    Never Surrender, Comrade

  6. #6
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    Re: so worried I have MS and optic neuritis

    Quote Originally Posted by KK77 View Post
    You've had these vision 'issues' and worries about a neurological illness for a long time now Amy. I think it's high time you spoke to a doctor who can check your eyes and other signs, or make an appointment with an optician.
    KK, does you avatar keep changing? Or are there more than one of you? (Or am I losing my marbles?)

  7. #7
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    Re: so worried I have MS and optic neuritis

    Quote Originally Posted by melfish View Post
    KK, does you avatar keep changing? Or are there more than one of you? (Or am I losing my marbles?)
    I think it's high time you got your eyes tested too Melfish!

    Never Surrender, Comrade

  8. #8
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    Re: so worried I have MS and optic neuritis

    Quote Originally Posted by KK77 View Post
    I think it's high time you got your eyes tested too Melfish!
    Jeez, KK, that's one part of my anatomy I wasn't too worried about atm

  9. #9
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    Re: so worried I have MS and optic neuritis

    I would pop to your optician so they can have a look to put your mind at rest. If they were worried they will send you to the hospital for a full check up. I have a little experience with this subject my sister has ms and I've seen first hand her experience. I have to say that if you looked at my sister you would not have one clue she has ms. She works full time in a busy environment. She has a very energetic daughter who she runs around after. She rides horses and has a full life. The medication is really good now and a lot of money has been put in to it and there are some amazing steps in improving the medication. I'm not telling you this to frighten you but to show you that even if you don't did get such a diagnosis (you won't) that your life can be really normal and fulfilling. Hope I haven't worried you.

  10. #10
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    Re: so worried I have MS and optic neuritis

    If you have optic neuritis. Your GP will notice this. It does not sound like it to me.
    It could be something else that you can have treatment for.
    MS is different for everyone who has it. No one is the same.

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