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Thread: Would you schedule a doctor's appointment right before a trip?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Re: Would you schedule a doctor's appointment right before a trip?

    Okay guys I’m back from Rome! I had kind of a terrible time since I’ve been spending my time worried sick that I have cancer. I didn’t wake up sweaty at any point but the room was colder than I’m used to and I tried less blankets and lighter pajamas. So basically I went to bed feeling colder than I normally am comfortable with, which is toasty warm.

    I’ve been monitoring my lymph nodes and I don’t think they’ve grown but who’s to say, maybe they have? I’ve had dull pain in my groin area but I’m not sure if it’s lymph node related or gas...I seem to be getting a LOT of gas lately...don’t know why. I’m also getting random dull armpit pain...? i’m worried that this is lymph node pain in my armpit! But I haven’t been able to feel any lymph nodes in my armpit yet....

    Then I woke up from a nap today at home and only my legs were slightly sweaty but I had warmer leggings on and just a t shirt on the upper half of me. That caused me to freak out a bit though because it’s not that warm in my room.

    I have a constant tight throat and feel like there’s a gas bubble or something stuck in my’s very uncomfortable. I am not sure why it is but I think it’s becausd I’m worried about all this.

    Also I keep worrying about what my doctor said to me. He said: “if there is something to find, we will find it. If there isn’t, then we won’t.” And then he said something along the lines of “I’ll be here for all of it” like the tests and stuff). I didn’t think much of this until I read someone blog about lymphoma where their doctor was like “i’ll Be here for you no matter what!” But hadn’t told him that he thought he might have lymphoma. So I’m like GREAT—sounds like what MY doctor said, so maybe he didn’t want to worry me without a confirmed diagnosis! He wouldn’t say he’s wondering if lymphoma is a possibility when it’s only a possibility at this point because he doesn’t want to worry me for possibly no reason! That’s what doctors and nurses are trained to do—to downplay things unless something is CONFIRMED!

    Also, having trouble finding accurate information on the net—several places say 1 cm or smaller is normal for a lymph node and for the groin it’s 1.5 cm or smaller. Mine are 1 cm or smaller. My husband keeps telling me that if I had lymphoma then at the very least my lymph nodes would be swollen/enlarged like every internet site says...BUT I don’t know if they are swollen or not! Husband says you read that it was 1 cm and 1.5 cm for the groin, so yours are normal. My doctor didn’t say whether they were swollen/enlarged or not. And OKAY WHY did my doctor ask me if I’ve had any infections recently? If they weren’t swollen/enlarged then he wouldn’t ask that...because lymph nodes enlarge when you have an infection! So they must not be a normal size then! I DON’T KNOW but I am extremely worried and scared

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Re: Would you schedule a doctor's appointment right before a trip?

    Also since fishmanpa said pics or didn’t happen...
    Attached Images Attached Images

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Would you schedule a doctor's appointment right before a trip?

    Quote Originally Posted by CG5246 View Post
    Also since fishmanpa said pics or didn’t happen...

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Re: Would you schedule a doctor's appointment right before a trip?

    Thoughts anyone...?

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Re: Would you schedule a doctor's appointment right before a trip?

    Oh my god I’m so nervous. I went to the dermatologist today since I had the melanoma fear and I was all clear. HOWEVER I asked her about this skin-colored round bump above my pubic area that has been there for like 2 years. I thought she would know and say a cyst or something but no, she has no idea, just like my internal medicine doctor had no idea. She said maybe a small lymph node? OF COURSE SHE WOULD SAY THAT now I’m like if that’s a lymph node that’s not in an area that I’m supposed to be able to feel and it’s further fueling my panic and fear about lymphoma. I’m going to ask my internal medicine doctor today to ultrasound it but honestly guys I’m extremely scared because I have read lymphoma can grow slowly and also sometimes it’s not that the lymph nodes grow, more just “pop up”. And I don’t know how long I’ve been able to feel my groin lymph nodes. So I just don’t know!

    Oh and apparently shortness of breath is a symptom as well and I’ve been feeling that way on and off for a few months now! I don’t know if that is because of ANXIETY or LYMPHOMA but I don’t like this at all 😭 I’m so scared 😭😭😭

  6. #36
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    Dec 2017

    Re: Would you schedule a doctor's appointment right before a trip?

    UPDATE: Okay so I went back to the doctor for blood test results. He said that the small bump above my pubic area is a lymph node, but he can't see it on the ultrasound. He said that's a good thing...? He went over the blood test results with me and there were a few values that were outside the normal range. The erythrocyte count was slightly above (5.11, so outside the range by 0.01) and there was another value that was outside the range by 0.01 but I can't remember what. A couple months ago my erythrocyte range was within the normal range so I don't know why it's not anymore. He didn't seem concerned because the values were barely out of range. However, my lymphocyte count was low I guess, but once again he wasn't concerned because it wasn't by much (although it seemed like a lot to me), the result was 22, but the range is apparently 24-40. I am pretty concerned about this, although he said that he wasn't concerned because of the rest of the values and that it's not that far out of range, but I think it is I'm also confused because when I googled the lymphocyte range, a website said that it was 20-40, so then my result would be within the normal range...? Right?

    He told me that up to now, everything looks fine, and then he said he would refer me for a CT scan, and I asked if this was necessary, and he said "No, but I can see that when you get home you won't listen to what I said and will keep thinking about it so I'm referring you to ease your mind". I told him I was worried about lymphoma and I asked him if he thinks it's that and he just said "No". And after asking him a ton of questions and asking him again if it's cancer (he again said "no"), he tells me: "If it was cancer or something was really wrong, I would tell you. That's my job. So far nothing has come up."

    In regards to my weight loss fears, I asked if he thinks it's my anxiety, and he said yes. He also said that people with cancer don't gain any of that weight back (I only gained a few pounds back but I'm happy if this is true).

    He told me that I have to stop poking around because my body won't be perfect everywhere and I will just find something else and worry. He said I can't keep doing this because I will go crazy.

    So...I am feeling a little better but also a little worried still because of the CT scan and also because of the blood test results that are slightly out of normal range. Thoughts??

  7. #37
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    Aug 2015

    Re: Would you schedule a doctor's appointment right before a trip?

    Confused why you need our thoughts. Sounds like you have a great doctor who's explained things well, is thorough, and isn't concerned. You don't need our permission to be reassured by all that.

  8. #38
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    Dec 2017

    Re: Would you schedule a doctor's appointment right before a trip?

    Quote Originally Posted by axolotl View Post
    Confused why you need our thoughts. Sounds like you have a great doctor who's explained things well, is thorough, and isn't concerned. You don't need our permission to be reassured by all that.
    Because I am worried about the out of range blood test results...especially the lymphocytes, 2 seems like a lot to be out of range

  9. #39
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    Re: Would you schedule a doctor's appointment right before a trip?

    Quote Originally Posted by axolotl View Post
    Confused why you need our thoughts. Sounds like you have a great doctor who's explained things well, is thorough, and isn't concerned. You don't need our permission to be reassured by all that.
    Exactly! To even have a niggle of doubt is frankly and with respect, absurd!

    You got fantastic news! FANTASTIC NEWS! Now go look into help with your anxiety

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Re: Would you schedule a doctor's appointment right before a trip?

    Quote Originally Posted by CG5246 View Post
    Because I am worried about the out of range blood test results...especially the lymphocytes, 2 seems like a lot to be out of range
    This isn't a forum about poring over the minute details of test results, it's about anxiety and that's the advice you'll get.

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