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Thread: Globus Hystericus Or A Throat Problem

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Globus Hystericus Or A Throat Problem

    I am just wondering whether a symptoms i have had for a few weeks now is Globus Hystericus or a throat problem/condition...........I have had this for a few weeks but it feels like it is getting worse, firstly it feels like there is something stuck in my throat, everytime i swallow it feels as though something is there, i seem to be able to drink/eat properly without too many problems, obviously if it was life-threatening or something serious i wouldn't be able to swallow food/drink.

    It feels terrible, also it feels like someone has their hand on my throat the majority of the time and it feels as though there is a lot of phelgm in my throat or something.

    Now i went to see a doctor about it over 4 weeks ago and they said i had enlarged tonsils, i saw another doctor about it a week later and they said it was due to my tonsils being large, they went down in size but recently have quite a little bit large again but my throat is not sore at all..........the thing is i cannot see the enlarged tonsils causing this problem, i keep thinking it must be something serious.

    I thought about acid reflux but the thing is i don't suffer with heartburn so i guess that rule's that problem out, unless it's something more serious than that, sometime's i think could it be throat cancer..........etc etc.

    I am very concerned about it, it's a symptom which is annoying me severely and i feel like it is affecting my quality of life, i have heard about globus hystericus before but what is it exactly? and what can it make you feel like?

    The thing is i have this problem from the minute i wake up until the moment i go to sleep so it's something that never seem's to go i just wanted some opinion's on this matter.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Globus Hystericus Or A Throat Problem

    Hello !
    Oh yes ! I can relate to this one big time ! I find I get very breathless too. I do have a reflux problem so maybe its worth trying some antacids ? I guess you're not asthmatic - but could you have an allergy or sensitivity ?- in which antihistamine might be worth a try.
    be kind to yourself

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Globus Hystericus Or A Throat Problem

    Quote Originally Posted by neptuno View Post
    Hello !
    Oh yes ! I can relate to this one big time ! I find I get very breathless too. I do have a reflux problem so maybe its worth trying some antacids ? I guess you're not asthmatic - but could you have an allergy or sensitivity ?- in which antihistamine might be worth a try.
    be kind to yourself
    Thank you for your reply neptuno....................This problem feels worse than ever today, the thing is i feel like i am being strangled/suffocating, also i feel like i am about to choke or throw up any minute.

    I don't know whether this problem i'm about to mention is related to this but i keep getting horrible feelings in my stomach and aches, also i keep feeling sick all the time.

    This problem stops me from doing most things and it's really annoying me, it just won't go away not even for a few minutes or hours.

    I am asthmatic but i don't get any heartburn or anything so i don't think it's down to reflux, I've had asthma for years and i'm not allergic to anything.

    I'm going to see my GP again tomorrow but what do i say about this throat problem? because i don't think they take it seriously enough and they blame it on anything they can, how can i make the GP do something about it and take it seriously?


  4. #4
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    Re: Globus Hystericus Or A Throat Problem

    This seems to be getting worse and worse and it is driving me crazy...................................

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Re: Globus Hystericus Or A Throat Problem


    Globus hystericus is my biggest symptom and feels exactly how you've described what you're feeling. My doctor checked my thyroid to make sure it wasn't that which was causing the problem and the test came back normal. I find my throat feels at its worst when I'm stressed but it can happen for no reason as well and sometimes for several days at a time. I hope everything goes well with your doctor and suggest you emphasise how much of a problem this is to you.

    Take care,

    Anxious moments pass as naturally as day follows night.

  6. #6
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    Jan 2008

    Re: Globus Hystericus Or A Throat Problem

    Quote Originally Posted by Nibbles View Post

    Globus hystericus is my biggest symptom and feels exactly how you've described what you're feeling. My doctor checked my thyroid to make sure it wasn't that which was causing the problem and the test came back normal. I find my throat feels at its worst when I'm stressed but it can happen for no reason as well and sometimes for several days at a time. I hope everything goes well with your doctor and suggest you emphasise how much of a problem this is to you.

    Take care,

    Thanks for your message mike, i seem to have this problem constantly and have no relief from it at all, also i've noticed that my stomach is hurting a lot and i don't know whether it is linked to this throat problem.
    I've had blood tests done this week and they are all clear so that rules out thyroid problems, there are other things like reflux and GERD and a few other throat conditions that can cause these type of things but i personally don't suffer from acid so i'm not sure what else could be causing this apart from Globus Hystericus.

    It is just weird how i constantly feel like a)There feels like a lump or golf ball in my throat, i can actually feel something like it's moving sometimes b)I feel like i'm going to start choking to death c)I feel like someone has got their hand on my throat or someone is strangling me, i Just don't see how anxiety can cause all these symptoms, also i don't see why it is so constant and i don't get any relief from it, i have no idea whether the stomach thing is connected but i am getting more and more worried about it now as it doesn't seem to be going away, the fact is it feels worse and i just hope the doctor doesn't fob me off about it when i see him next.

  7. #7
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    Re: Globus Hystericus Or A Throat Problem

    I am in my 3rd year of it now - see this ...

    It never lets up (except when I was out of work for 2 months). It is daily and constant and involves gagging and not being able to swallow.

    I had the tests and all ok so it must be anxiety.

    The more you think about it and concentrate on it the worse it gets I am afraid.

    Also make sure that you are not holding your tongue at the roof of your mouth - try and relax it.

    I hate this too but can't seem to shift it and have it daily.

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  8. #8
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    Re: Globus Hystericus Or A Throat Problem

    Quote Originally Posted by nomorepanic View Post
    I am in my 3rd year of it now - see this ...

    It never lets up (except when I was out of work for 2 months). It is daily and constant and involves gagging and not being able to swallow.

    I had the tests and all ok so it must be anxiety.

    The more you think about it and concentrate on it the worse it gets I am afraid.

    Also make sure that you are not holding your tongue at the roof of your mouth - try and relax it.

    I hate this too but can't seem to shift it and have it daily.
    Hi................I'm really sorry to hear that you have had it for so long, i could not bear to have it for that long.

    What tests did you have done for it?......The only tests i have had so far are blood tests.

    Can i ask whether this affects your stomach at all in anyway?,,,,As i said above my stomach is starting to ache more and more...also i am feeling sick alot of the time as if i am about to throw up any moment and this is another thing that is frustrating me and i'm not sure whether it is related to this or not.

    One thing i can say about my throat is it feels very phelgmy and i don't know whether anyone else feels like that........I am asthmatic but my throat has never felt phelgmy like this before.

    I'm going to tell the doctor about it, i'm not sure whether they will do any tests for it, it would be reassuring if they did though, if i had a camera down my throat or something and nothing was there then at least i would be convinced that nothing is there because i am convinced that something is there at the moment.

    I can eat and drink ok and everything so surely it cannot be anything serious?

  9. #9
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    Re: Globus Hystericus Or A Throat Problem

    I had the camera down the nose and into throat - wouldn't recommend it!

    I have IBS and chrons and suffer severe stomach pains from that and indigestion which makes me very sick and in so much pain.

    I was sick tonight and it was all phlegm type stuff. I guess I got used to it each day.

    Mine is anxiety apparently and my mates mum had it for 4 years so I am kinda hoping mines goes soon but after 2.5 years you get used to it

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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  10. #10
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Globus Hystericus Or A Throat Problem

    Hi this was one of my first symptoms of anxiety/depression 3 years ago now, I had all the tests, bloods, specimens, ent specialist,x rays barium meal etc.
    I struggled to believe the diagnosis was correct, at one stage I was drinking water continuosly to convince myself I was still able to swallow.
    I now very rarely suffer as other things take over I suppose, Im not sure when it all stopped,I do still get it if I go out socially, try not to let it rule your life, I know we do and that is easier said than done. Take

    Please bear with me, Ill be back for good soon.

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