I have severe social phobia, panic attacks and i'm trying to overcome agoraphobia although to be honest I can go out now if it's with my husband, and I still have panic attacks then.

So ATOS are coming to give me a home visit between 9am and 12pm. I've been awake since 6am with my heart pounding, and retching alot.

Alot of my panic occurs when i'm hungry as it makes me retch, i'm starving alot of the time though, mornings and afternoons and worse.

I've tried some cracker breads, i've managed to eat 6 (all while retching!) and i'm still starving.

I'm so scared because I know i'll have to go out of the way and eat while they are here, but what if they don't let me?
My husband says it's important that they see me like this and if I need to go and eat then I should as it's part of my "illness" (What ever that is, I need to speak to the doctor about what causing this starving retchiness).

It's always been a massive embarrassing secret though, and i'm scared to tell anyone because i'm overweight because of all this eating and i don't want the assesser to just think i'm some fat greedy woman!

I retch when i'm anxious too, i've never retched in front of anyone, i've always managed to "run away" before it happened. I know it might be in my favour for them to see how sickly I get when I'm hurngry/panicky but i'm so frightend.

Has anyone else had a home visit for panic attacks etc, how long do they last?

---------- Post added at 10:42 ---------- Previous post was at 10:03 ----------

Done now The man was really nice, not what I was expecting at all. And he only stayed for about 5 or 10 minutes. He said he'd writeen everything down that he needed and he could see I was nervous because I was in tears, so said it was probably best that he kept it as short as possible.
He didn't think there would be a problem in me continuing with my benefit as it was obvious to his that I qualify, whether the powers that be think that is another thing though.
But i'm glad it's over