Tonight i have just realised that this is what i suffer. it not hugely severe as i am used to the feeling of feeling sick - everyday i feel nauseous and i think it is mainly with worry. i realise there has been a post like this one before.

my little sister used to have this fear but she was ill at new year and i think this helped her a lot. i dont want to turn to my mum and say i have got this problem now as i dont think she will believe me as i am 'mature'

what i have in my head though is that it has been almost 4 years since i last got sick - i cant help but think that its going to happen someitme soon. is it at all possible to not get sick?! id rather have a terrible flu where i cant walk and have to stay in bed than be physically sick.

my life would be soo stress free if being sick didnt exist :(