
I'm a long time sufferer of all things anxious. I have OCD, which I can control some of the time, I have really bad health anxiety and constantly think I am dying of something. I feel sick all the time and my counsellor is saying it's because I've been working off a high level of anxiety for so long.

I am trying to do all the right things to make me feel better, I've been making myself go to work although by cab not public transport but at least I'm going till I feel strong enough to handle the train.

I just seem to lurch from one thing to another, feeling dizzy, eyes feeling funny, strange half dreams when falling asleep, forgetting words for things etc..... this throws me into a spin that I must definitely have something serious wrong. I've been having some repetitive thoughts eg. I'll just keep thinking of the word chicken and I worry I'll never stop. I sometimes mix words up, like think the start of one and the end of the next one and then I freak myself out. It doesn't happen all the time but when it does I convince myself there is something really wrong and then it makes it worse. This happened a lot about 2 years ago and I've been more or less ok with this symptom since then but the last few days has been bad. I think because I have to go to a work trip 5 hrs from home, ( and leave my baby fit the first time in 15 months)I'm taking someone with me so I have someone near by in case I have a panic. I know all this reassurance and safety behaviour is not the answer but right now its the best I can do.

Basically I just wondered if these confused thoughts, forgetting words, mixing words up, brain going blank, reading thoughts...are common with anxiety?

Thanks for reading