Does anybody have any tips on what to do when you feel yourself spiralling? I feel like as soon as I feel calm and stop worrying about something, another thing will pop up to take its place. First it was melanoma from a freckle that disappeared then it was a sore lump in my armpit that disappeared then after I’d forgotten about that I remembered it and went looking for it only to make my armpit sore and feel nothing. My jaw was sore about a year ago and I felt around to see if anything was there and found nothing until I dug around and felt a lump infront of my ear say where your cheekbone dent is. I put that worry to rest until a while ago when it reentered my head and I went looking and after a few minutes found the lump which is the same that it alwyas was movable and small and no one else can feel it when I’ve asked. I realise this is crazy and I’m currently on lexipro which is helping and I’m trying to rationalize but does anyone have any tips on how to help myself? I get so annoyed at myself it’s like I enjoy finding things to worry about.