Quote Originally Posted by DustingMyselfOff View Post
Good for you! I've rescued many baby birds (and squirrels, mice, etc.) and have been fortunate to raise them to adulthood and then release them back into my yard. I don't know what you're feeding him but I've had the best luck with dry dog kibble that has been soaked in water so that it swells and is soft and mushy. Once the bird is big enough to start hopping I move them to a fish tank with heat lamps and a heating pad underneath. Once it's starting to climb I give it some branches, and when it starts to flap, I move it to a large bird cage. I then take it into a small room (bathroom) and let him practice flying, and when he's fully feathered, eating on his own, and flying well, I move his cage outdoors to acclimate him to the sights and sounds and smells. Then I eventually open the cage door and let him come and go as he pleases. Eventually they find a family and don't come back, and those days are bitter sweet.

Good luck with yours - it's a wonderful and rewarding experience.
great advice! Thank you so much! I might pm you if that’s ok....