Quote Originally Posted by pulisa View Post
The problem of course is that you're not receptive to "strategies" and posting on here has become just another repetitive behaviour.

Why not have a go at working on your own strategy based on your own terms? You don't have to do things by the book and it's free. And you don't have to keep posting on here either documenting your issues which is hardly helping you to make any progress at all.
Sometimes my ocd is better sometimes it’s worse I mean there is times I can handle a situation and not post. Other times I can’t.

I mean not going to CBT I can save money that’s a bonus but perhaps I need to buy more books and stuff to help with the ocd? I mean the replacing issue I do this occasionally but I avoid stuff daily I would say one of my biggest issues is avoidance of something and if I do I wash my hands?

I mean it’s bad I can’t even cut the garden bush without worrying I probably did in the past and I Duno what I done with my clothe but now I fear if I put my clothes on the ground it will have green bin toilet germs on it? This is what the ocd keeps telling me.