Quote Originally Posted by mischamoonlight View Post
Is there a reason why you'd have a bowel movement late at night? I don't often get bowel movements at night but sometimes I do, and I read it is due to an infection? Not sure how true that is.

Today I haven't had a bowel movement since yesterday, and I've only got that sharp, stinging pain later this evening after I finished eating for the day. I don't eat past 8pm. It's the one symptom that is the most distressing to me. I'm worried if it is an infection, will it get worse? Turn into Sepsis? I don't know, but my anxiety is high with it.

I didn't have much stinging/sharp symptoms in my upper abdominal area (sometimes up near my chest area in the middle), up until later this afternoon/evening. My brain can't switch off at the moment to these worries. It's just distressing me really, and all the talk of bowel cancer, infections and such have me a little tense from it because I've had these symptoms for the last week or so.
Mischa, stress affects your digestive system terribly.
In June my reflux flared up for the first time in 2 years and it’s just starting to get better 3 months later.
And yes, people have bowel movements at all different times of the day. Especially if they have anxiety and are closely monitoring their bodies.
The little twinge you get in your chest area sound very much like reflux.

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