Last year in February, before this awful pandemic I've had an insane pain in tooth and the dentist filled it but the filling fall out and I didn't go after that due to my extreme fear of covid (high risk for me) and for last few months I've had some pain but it stopped but it smells horribly now and I've had a bleeding today, now when I press that cavity there is a little blood.
I am so fearful of covid, I just can't go to the dentist right now because I am not vaccinated yet and the numbers here are really awful in Croatia.
I don't know what to do. I am scared of sepsis. I am scared of covid.

My dentist doesn't measure the temperature and I don't trust her at all but I can't go to any other because I don't have money right now. I wanted to wait for a few weeks, maybe they call me for a vaccine or the numbers start dropping but I am so afraid because of the blood that I am going to get sepsis.