Quote Originally Posted by Buster70 View Post
I do suggest taking her out places just for a drive and she does come out in the afternoon to walk the dogs but she now needs two knee replacements so she’s in agony all day and night and taking morphine codien and other painkillers wipes her out .
Given the situation with her knees, would she contemplate a walking stick, wheelchair, or mobility scooter? That way she could get out into the fresh air and be in less pain?

I always said you can take a moby scooters/wheelchairs and shove em but then I developed a pelvic issue (for over 6 months) aside my arthritic hip and knees and I was struggling to walk so I changed my attitude about 'aides'. I got by using a walking stick as it goes - but it's an option for your Mrs?

every morning I just wake and think I can’t do another day of this but here we are half way through another day.
You're stronger than you think B. Thoughts like this are generally borne out of frustration (because things are out of our control) but hope of better days (and love) is what keeps us here, right?

and is now convinced she’s found one
Quote Originally Posted by Buster70 View Post
she had the mammogram and then an examination which found no lumps

Fear/anxiety will do this B. It can absolutely convince us that something is 'there' when it isn't. Or we can mistake what's normal for something that's not because that's the way our HA mind wants to take us. Just keep reminding/reassuring her that she's been examined thoroughly and no lumps were found..