Hi All,

Have been starting to feel less anxious since I started to withdraw from my anti depressants though all I still have on my mind is how nervous and "despirate" my throat feels, the more I think about it the more I feel like wretching and this only panics me more. How did I ever pick up this silly fear? It's been 3 months now and symptoms have changed from feeling like I've swallowed a pill when swallowing to feeling like someone is pinching me above my adams apple near my tonsils. I keep my teeth clenched and my tongue pushed hard against my mouth roof to prevent the feeling of wretching. I have had a good few days where I've managed to keep it relatively relaxed but only started to try and do a few menial tasks around the house and it's set it off again and I am sitting here typing with a racing heart.

I don't even begin to know how to "forget" about my throat and stop concentrating on something so trivial that feels so absolutely terrifying. Telling myself that my throat hasn't changed in 30 years and it was never like it before now somehow doesn't seem to help me :(.

Has anyone here ever had anything similar and managed to conquer it?

I'm pretty certain it's tied in with my fear of vomit as the end result of wretching is usually vomitting, I guess I've just created my ultimate fear (after a lot of stress at work). I live in hope but need a starting point.

Ideas anyone?

