Hello everyone,
I am new here and this is my first post. I have suffered with anxiety since I was about 16 (I am 26 now). There were many periods (most of college actually) when I was convinced I was over my anxiety and done with. The past year it has really come back. My anxiety tends to be always health related, and I freak out about what end up to be minor symptoms or symptoms of anxiety. I have been through the difficulty swallowing, throat tightness, shortness of breath, vision changes, muscle twitches, etc. My most recent symptom that is really freaking me out is urinary frequency. I know this is also a symptom of anxiety, however this has appeared for aparently no reason (I dont recall being anxious enough about anything to bring on new symptoms!) I have had a few urine tests for a water/bladder infection and it came back clear. Thing is, a few days after this symptom appeared I suffered a kidney stone. Once I was dealing with the kidney stone, this went away for a few days. Then, once I was over the kidney stone, I started freaking out again. I had many tests at the hospital during my kidney stone, everything came back normal. They did CT scan of my entire abdomen, did 2 ultrasounds and many urine tests. Everything normal. I am afraid I have a disease like Intersistial Cystitis, an incurable chronic inflammation of the bladder walls. Part of me realizes it may be anxiety, because it seems to be better when I dont think about it or do other things, but I can't keep thinking about IC and convincing myself I have it. My doc doesnt seem too concerned, says that I would probably have pain as well if I had IC. However, I have read online that many docs dont fully understand IC as it is a very little understood disease. I just go back and forth in my mind all day, "its anxiety, it'll pass" or "no, it really is IC."
Has anyone else had this symptom, and if so did it go away? Right after I go, I feel like I have to go again, even if I don't. The urgency comes and goes almost in pangs.

If anyone can share any info, I would really appreciate it. I am glad I found this site, it seems to be a great community and really helpful and friendly.

Thank you very much!
