Things have really been getting on top of me lately and I haven't been handling things very well. I have tried but deep down I feel like I am sinking. Last night felt like the final straw, I couldn't sleep at all last night, the feelings of anxiety were so extreme that I started vomiting something I have not had problems with for over 10 years. Everything stated to build up and I completely freaked out and thought I was having some sort of breakdown. I couldn't even take my little girl to school this morning and had to get hubby to take some time of work.

I went to the doctors again, saw a different doctor who was very sympathetic, I was in there for 30 mins Although I never wanted to take them I have been prescribed Diazepam 2mg three times a day.
I have just taken half of one just to see how I feel because I am worried about becoming addicted. The problem seems to be that I have set myself to many goals too soon, instead of gradually facing my fear. I thought I was strong enough to handle the situation but I wasn't.

If you have taken Diazepam before can you please let me know how you felt, just to put my mind at rest.



I have recently been prescribed Seroxat which I have taken before and it did help although my anxiety was not as bad as it is now.