Hi everyone, Im 27 yrs old and have a 14 week old baby girl. The pnd all started about 3 weeks ago but was manageable, it has since got progressively worse and Ive gone from scoring 4 to 20 on the pnd questionnaire. Ive got to a point where I feel like Im going insane, the bond between my baby and I hasnt suffered but I feel so lowsy, Im having a panick attack virtually every day and just going to tescos is a mission, the anxiety is constant as are the obsessive thoughts, Im always worrying bout having a terminal illness or my baby geting seriously ill (swine flu is the latest obsession) the physical symptoms are also getting me really down, I have dizziness and blurred/double vision a lot of the time and also feel faint. Are these regulr symptoms of pnd ans anxiety? I have no family where I live and feel so alone. If anyone could offer any advice I would be very grateful.