Quote Originally Posted by zanxena View Post
HI I am new to the forum.
I am currently waiting for my Tribunal which is now approaching a year . Its sad to say but I used to work for Citizens Advice Bureau and ATOs standards don't seem to have improved.
My medical was very inacurate and inappropriate comments were made by the Dr at the time. I have complained and despite Atos admitting it was not conducted to standard. I still am waiting on my Tribunal. Sadly the appeal letter seems to go on the medical assessment not anything you have sent. So you have to go to A Tribunal which is very stressful with out health problems.
Community Legal Advice are dealing with mine but I will still have to face them myself.

He should be reported to the GMC for inappropriate comments
Duties of Doctors in General

A doctor must always maintain the highest standards of professional conduct.

A doctor must practice his profession uninfluenced by motives of profit.

The following practices are deemed unethical:

1. Any self advertisement except such as is expressly authorized by the national code of medical ethics;
2. Collaborate in any form of medical service in which the doctor does not have professional independence;
3. Receiving any money in connection with services rendered to a patient other than a proper professional fee, even with the knowledge of the patient.

Any act, or advice which could weaken physical or mental resistance of a human being may be used only in his interest.