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Thread: Is exercise and healthy eating the answer?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Is exercise and healthy eating the answer?

    So I've been doing a lot of thinking over the last few days and I'm starting to wonder whether or not I should just adopt a more healthy lifestyle and get out more and do some exercise.

    I'm taking Fluoxetine but my Ha is so bad lately I'm actually questioning whether they are working or not.

    One of my biggest fears is BC and I've now read that some studies have shown BC can be caused by anti depressants so I'm now worrying that by taking them I'm actually contributing towards my risk of getting one of my biggest fears.

    So I'm thinking maybe I should stop the anti depressants and start taking some B vits as I've read they are good for depression etc and just try and adopt a more healthier lifestyle.

    I used to go to the gym all the time when I was younger and although I had HA it was never to this extent, I don't know if it's getting older that's made it worse or the fact that I don't exercise anymore.

    Anyone else tried this or have any thoughts?

  2. #2

    Re: Is exercise and healthy eating the answer?

    I think age definitely has a big influence on HA. I didn't start to suffer with it until I was in my early thirties, I am 40 this year and my HA has gradually got worse, to the point I have now started setting goals !!! like my next goal is to reach 45 !! Writing that down makes it seem even more crazy......
    On to healthy lifestyle. I have always tried to maintain a healthy lifestyle with plenty of exercise, lately however due to HA I have been purposely not been going for a run and eating fatty foods just to make sure I put weight on !! Again because of my HA I am scared that I might lose weight...Though my entire life me weight has always gone done in the summer, only now is t a problem....Ridiculous !!!
    Sorry I went off topic...In answer to your question, there is a lot to be said for a healthy lifestyle, this alone improves your chances of not getting various illnesses, also exercise makes you brain release endorphins that will improve your state of mind (failing that dark choc also works ;-) ).

    Give it a go..In the words of the worlds most popular Doc, Dr Pepper what's the worst that can happen ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Is exercise and healthy eating the answer?

    Thanks for the reply Scottie, I'm going to give it a go I've got a rowing machine gathering dust so best I start using it, and I'm going to start taking some vitamins and watching my diet, if nothing else it should make me feel a bit better about myself!

    thanks x

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Is exercise and healthy eating the answer?

    getting older is a massive issues for me and my health anxiety, because every time i get a symptom now a days, i say to myself this is defiantly something other then anxiety causing this because im older. i think even deep down when i was younger and i stated to panic about things, i always had the possibility that its more likely to be health anxiety, but getting older the possibilities of it being something worse now scare the crap out of me if im being honest.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Is exercise and healthy eating the answer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Munchlet View Post
    So I've been doing a lot of thinking over the last few days and I'm starting to wonder whether or not I should just adopt a more healthy lifestyle and get out more and do some exercise.

    Anyone else tried this or have any thoughts?
    Everyone should regardless if whether they suffer anxiety or not.
    never use a long word where a diminutive confabulation will suffice.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Re: Is exercise and healthy eating the answer?

    There are so many ways that you can help with anxiety along with taking your medication I've been working on things for a couple of months now and I am definitely seeing improvements, it's hard work but it's worth it. A healthy lifestyle is vital - it doesn't have to be super healthy, but you'd be surprised how just taking care of yourself a bit more can help you to feel better. Avoiding certain foods and eating properly can have a big impact on your mental health. Exercise helps because it creates endorphins in your body which will make you feel good, it's a natural anti depressant!

    I'm going to repost some stuff here that I posted for another member, hopefully you'll find it helpful!

    - Counselling: I see you're about to start that! You will never regret it

    - Meditation: 15/20 mins twice a day. There's lots of research into how it can help with all kinds of health problems, including anxiety. In fact it was a doctor who recommended it to me. I've found it hugely beneficial to my state of mind. This book really helped me understand how it works for stress & how to do very simple, easy meditation: Soul-Centered by Sarah McClean. Of all the things I'll type out here today meditation is the one you should really try.

    - Relaxation methods: I have several different stress relief and relaxation CDs that I listen to a couple of times a week. Relaxation works the same way as meditation, it is essential to good mental health. In particular a book/CD package called Control Stress from Paul McKenna I find really good.

    - Breathing methods: Again they help to relax you, especially if you're feeling a bit panicked. I find the simplest one is 7/11 breathing. Breathe in for 7 counts and out for 11 counts - it will change the levels of CO2 in your body and literally help you slow down and relax. You can do it anywhere, I often use it at work or on a packed tram!

    - EFT: Emotional Freedom Technique, it's a tapping technique that you use to release old traumas and current problems. Since I've learned this I've not had a panic attack, I can always stave them off with tapping. It sounds crazy, but many people across the world find it works. You can go to Youtube and find lots of videos that will teach you about how to do it, it's simple and effective!

    - Exercise: Essential for raising those feel good hormones in your body, it is absoutely necessary to do if you're fighting anxiety. It doesn't have to be a big workout every day, just 20mins of brisk walking is enough to get things working for you. Yoga is wonderful for anxiety, it will really help you release tension in your body - we get so tense and tight from all the stress. I do a little gentle yoga every morning, nothing too difficult, just a couple of things I learned from Youtube, and it really helps start the day on the right food.

    - Diet: Avoid things that will make anxiety worse by affecting your nervous system, so no sugar, alcohol, caffeine and processed foods/drinks. This doesn't mean never ever eat them, it just means don't have them regularly. Make sure you never skip meals, especially breakfast. Sometimes with anxiety we can be low on things like B vitamins or magnesium due to high stress levels, so it can be good to supplement. Ask your doctor about this first if you're on any medication, or to get your bloods checked.

    - CBT: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is really good for people with anxiety, it will help you look at your thought patterns and change negative ways of thinking. If you can't afford a course then here's a great free online course to get you started:

    - Choosing to heal: I made the decision to get better instead of remaining trapped in my anxiety. It's not exactly easy, but once you make a firm decision to heal then that's the beginning. A book called Conscious Medicine by Gill Edwards helped me to realise that I had to take control of my own healing and forge my own path out of anxiety, it changed my life. I had always looked outside myself for answers, prayed for help, but eventually I realised it wasn't going to get better unless I put in some real effort myself.

    - Reaching out for help: It's important that you get support going through all of this, so find out what's in your area that can help you. There may be some anxiety support groups nearby that you could join? A friend who you can confide in or a doctor you can chat to about it? Choosing to heal doesn't mean that you do it all by yourself, but that you use whatever tools the universe sends your way, including other people. If you talk to others you'll be surprised how many of your family or friends also suffer with the same problems.

    - Stop battling and start accepting: The book Self Help For Your Nerves by Claire Weekes helped me to see that battling anxiety just creates more stress! She teaches you how to just simply start accepting how things are and learn to relax into the healing process. I can't recommend this book enough, and I know there are others here who will agree.

    - Be good to yourself: The nicest thing about healing from anxiety is learning to be good and kind to yourself. Treat yourself as you would a friend who was suffering with the same problem. Make sure you do something nice for yourself every day, even if it's just something as simple as a bubble bath, listening to your favourite album or reading a good book. Don't give yourself a hard time for having this problem, for having a bad day, or for taking a step back. You are only human, you will have bad days, but the important thing now is that you are working on it.

    - Laughter. I know that sounds cheesy! But actually there's science to it! Laughter and joy give you hits of endorphins, those chemicals that make you feel good. You need to bring lots and lots of endorphins into your life, keep those happy hits coming and eventually it will raise your mood levels. Watch your favourite comedy TV shows, go see a live comedy act, hugs give great endorphin hits, as does exercise - do something joyful and light everyday, as often as you can. The book Conscious Medicine will teach you that we are programmed for joy, we are happy and healthy when joy is in our lives, so it's important (and wonderful) to cultivate joy in our lives.

    - Learn about anxiety. If you do a little reading on anxiety and stress, and learn to understand it more, it can take a lot of the fear out of it. When you see how it's all just chemical reactions in your body it somehow lessens that fear. It's also wise to recognise the importance of relaxation and how essential it is to your recovery. It's important that you understand what's happening to your body and mind, it will put you in a much better position for positive change.

    - NLP: Neurolinguistic Programming is another therapy that I've found really helpful. I've gone for a couple of sessions and always get some really practical tips for dealing with issues and stress, as well as reframing how I'm approaching a problem. There are some great books and Youtube videos out there on NLP too, if you can't afford to go to a session.

    - Be passionate: Discovering yourself, what you're passionate about and the things that make you happy is another key to recovery from anxiety. It's important to delve into the good things in life and to begin realising that life doesn't just happen to you, but that you create it yourself. Maybe try taking a night class, try something new, find out what makes you tick and what you can do in your spare time to make you feel good.

    - No excuses: I know from my own past that I gave myself so many different reasons not to recover - I didn't have the time, I didn't have the money, these methods didn't work, I wasn't able to do it myself, I didn't want to avoid the foods that made me feel bad, I had to wait until I was feeling healthier, I needed a better job/more money/more time - a billion different reasons to stay feeling bad! Eventually I realised that I simply just had to learn to make myself happy in the moment, there was no other choice because there will never be a perfect time to get better. And I also realised that I simply *had* to take time out of my day for certain things like meditation and relaxation - it always seemed like a nuisance, but when you realise that this time is essential to feeling good, that's it's better to spend 20 mins meditating than watching TV, you begin to prioritise what's truly important. It is all about priorities, what's most important to you.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Is exercise and healthy eating the answer?

    Wow thank you HoneyLove what a fantastic post, I shall certainly be taking some of your advice and the book sounds fantastic!

    thanks again xx

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Re: Is exercise and healthy eating the answer?

    Glad you liked it Munchlet

    There's a lot that we can do that will really help as well as taking medication. Unfortunately our doctors don't always tell us this, or explain why these things work. I often wish that someone had sat down with me years ago and explained the nature of stress and what we can do to combat it.

    I hope that you can work your way to feeling good again! x

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Is exercise and healthy eating the answer?

    Now I'm panicking - I take fluoxetine too and BC is one of my fears but I can't cope without it. I didn't realise there was an increased risk!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Is exercise and healthy eating the answer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mogwog View Post
    Now I'm panicking - I take fluoxetine too and BC is one of my fears but I can't cope without it. I didn't realise there was an increased risk!

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