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Thread: Life is a pile of s**t, when you look at it!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Life is a pile of s**t, when you look at it!

    To quote Monty Python……..“Life’s a pile of s**t when you look at it, always look on the bright side of life”

    Well today I am struggling to look on the bright side of life BUT totally understanding the rest of it. Someone very close to me is going through the process of losing someone to terminal Cancer and for the last year I have seen the total devastation that the disease can inflict on a family…….not just the person who is suffering but the entire family.

    Then again, thinking about it you do have to, as much as possible look on the bright side of things, even though at times there may not seem to be a bright side……. A lot of us on here know how hard that can be.

    It sometimes really frustrates me when people on here post about things (even looking back at my own posts)….. I am not belittling anxiety and panic, far from it, all of us know how much of a debilitating illness it can be and the power it can have over us.

    The last few days have made me again realise how pointless worrying about things really is, things will happen in life if we want them to or not….. Sometimes life IS “a pile of s**t when you look at it” and things rarely go as we plan them in life.

    Sometimes we do not have control in our lives, BUT what we do have control of is what we actually do and how we think about things.

    So I guess what I am saying after all of this is “You NEVER know what is going to happen in your life, the only certainty in life is that you will die at some point, hopefully a lot later rather than sooner, But live while you are here do not spend it looking too deeply into things and dwelling on things as it will get you nowhere and just waste time in your life when you could be out there living, because life is short… it while you can”

    Another quote from a signature on NMP……

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt
    Last edited by venusbluejeans; 01-06-13 at 18:47.
    Emmz xx

    nolite te basstardes carborundorum

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Life is a pile of s**t, when you look at it!

    Thank you. Needed that

    'AV A

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Life is a pile of s**t, when you look at it!

    Sorry to hear that you have lost someone close to you through cancer.

    I really wish I could overcome my fear of death. It often feels like it's the main thing keeping my anxiety going. But I do feel silly and also a bit guilty for worrying about death so much when I don't have a terminal illness or anything like that. I wish I could get rid of the negative thoughts but they're so overpowering at times.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Life is a pile of s**t, when you look at it!

    well said i have just lost my mother in law to cancer and looked after her for a month before she died day and night

    i also thought about my anxiety and depression and how ill i had been but i have got better and it has made think about the whole thing yes it was awfull and like you i would never belittle it but my mother in law was brave beyond belief and lost her battle

    when i had something really important to do and had someone relyng on me i was surprsed just how well i could cope and i would do it all again for her in a hearbeat

    so sometimes things happen that makes us trully put things into prespective xx

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Life is a pile of s**t, when you look at it!

    Love that post, Venus. I am sorry for everyone who is going through tough times. Sometimes we need a massive reminder to enjoy the times when life is good. Xx
    Under no circumstances will I consult Dr Google for any medical advice whatsoever.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Re: Life is a pile of s**t, when you look at it!

    Aww Emmz.......hugs hun

    I know what you mean and what you're saying.

    My partner and I lost a very dear friend to cancer only back in March of this year He died within 5 months of his diagnoses and I still can't believe that I will never see him again

    It does put things all into perspective. I, myself, also got hit with some unwanted health news regarding me at around the same time that we were losing Paul.

    It has kind of changed my view on things, but at the moment, I'm going from one positive day to the next being negative and my thoughts and feelings are all over the show.

    Yes life can be a pile of s**t at times..............but I'm trying to hang on by my finger tips to the fact that life can also be beautiful at times too

    To anyone who's in the blue funk at the moment, just go take a little drive or get someone to take you for a little ride into the countryside.

    Then look.........and I mean really look around you, notice everything you possibly can, the colours, the smells the animals the insects the sky.........beautiful isn't it ??

    One of my favourite quotes is

    " Life is not a rehearsal, we only get one shot at it, so live it to it's full potential"

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Life is a pile of s**t, when you look at it!

    One day at a time that's what I say. make the best of every day.
    It's such a lovely day here. The sun is out and I am trying not to moan
    about myself. Take care all. XXXXXX

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Life is a pile of s**t, when you look at it!

    Thank you all for you answers, I just needed write things down and I am glad they had a positive affect on you.

    Take each day as it comes, 'forget' about the bad times, concentrate on the good and we can move forward.

    Emmz xx

    nolite te basstardes carborundorum

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: Life is a pile of s**t, when you look at it!

    Quote Originally Posted by AuntieMoosie View Post
    Aww Emmz.......hugs hun

    I know what you mean and what you're saying.

    My partner and I lost a very dear friend to cancer only back in March of this year He died within 5 months of his diagnoses and I still can't believe that I will never see him again

    It does put things all into perspective. I, myself, also got hit with some unwanted health news regarding me at around the same time that we were losing Paul.

    It has kind of changed my view on things, but at the moment, I'm going from one positive day to the next being negative and my thoughts and feelings are all over the show.

    Yes life can be a pile of s**t at times..............but I'm trying to hang on by my finger tips to the fact that life can also be beautiful at times too

    To anyone who's in the blue funk at the moment, just go take a little drive or get someone to take you for a little ride into the countryside.

    Then look.........and I mean really look around you, notice everything you possibly can, the colours, the smells the animals the insects the sky.........beautiful isn't it ??

    One of my favourite quotes is

    " Life is not a rehearsal, we only get one shot at it, so live it to it's full potential"

    Friday was a really bad day for me, I hit a really low point. However, life goes on thank heaven. I sat in the garden yesterday and thought to myself "how wonderful that we co-exist with birds, they are all around us, and us around them". We share this earth with some magical creatures.x
    Every blessed day we wake up to the fullness of pristine purity and innocense free from the pain of the past and fear of the future. 'Carlos Santana'


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Re: Life is a pile of s**t, when you look at it!

    So sorry to hear about that, cancer is evil
    I recently met a girl of similar age to me (she's 18) and she has terminal cancer, it's terrible to see someone suffer with this, it makes you feel ashamed to moan about your problems but at the same time you just can't control it once the anxiety has consumed your life. Both are evil but there are most definitely worse things than anxiety, atleast we can control it to some degree. I've saved this post to remind me to snap out of it when I'm feeling sorry for myself. I hope we can all find the strength to beat our problems and live our lives, we are the lucky ones really & things could be much worse!

    "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain."

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