Quote Originally Posted by cut_out_stars View Post
Hello everyone,

This is my first proper post so I'm sorry if I ramble or don't make much sense.

I've always been a nervous / anxious person but just recently I've been getting into a blind panic about my health. it started with stomach pains that I've had on and off for a year.. Didn't really think much of it until recently i was reading through my pill packet and saw 'liver cancer' as one of the rare side effects.. Well obviously I jumped to that, I'd left it SO long I was in pieces. Finally went to the docs & she thinks gastritis so let's see if the antacids work!

I don't know what got me onto this (probably again, google) but I noticed a couple of my moles looked odd (I'm 26 and I've got tons of moles, my new worry :( ) and I have a dark one on my toe with isn't regular shaped and I'm so convinced it's melanoma and I'm going to die because it's been there a long time (but not my whole life) I just feel like I must be riddled with cancer. It's just the most horrible dread, which I'm sure a lot of you understand. I have work to do, I can barely concentrate. I'll go up to my docs first thing Monday (I'm sure they'll be so pleased to see me.. 3rd time in two weeks) but I feel like I'm not going to be able to get it out of my head all weekend :(

I feel like I almost HAVE to worry about these things.. If I don't worry I feel like I'm going to get caught out.. Does that make sense? Anyone else do that?

Sorry that was a bit of a ramble.
Well, you are at the very beginning of your HA issue. My advice is-get the ******* while he's still young. Start CBT and counselling immediately.

As for the moles-if it's small and/or was there for a long time and didn't change, you have nothing to worry about. Definitely not melanoma, 100%. I had melanoma fear-spent a week in front of the bloody mirror looking whether my moles had changed.

As for cancer phobia-just remember the simple truth which will dispel the illusion-if you had two untreated cancers for a year, you would be six feet under