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Thread: Heart flutters - propranolol

  1. #1

    Heart flutters - propranolol

    Hi I've been getting constant fluttery palpitations throughout the day for past 6 months I've had all tests and my heart is fine? But I can't get rid of these flutters

    I went back to doc as it's really annoying me now and he gave me propranolol to take, I've never took this before and I read side effects and it says it can slow your heart right down and I'm sooo paranoid to take them!

    Anyone else take these tablets or have found a solution to their palps! It's getting me down

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Heart flutters - propranolol


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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: Heart flutters - propranolol

    Hi, I know how you feel, palpitations are horrible.

    Don't worry about the propranolol it's really very safe and has been given to you because It can help reduce palpitations.

    The best things you can do are:

    1) Try to relax as much as possible and avoid being too stressed or anxious as this is the reason they happen. You'll find if you can just reduce your general stress levels then palpitations should become less frequent.

    2) Accept them as they happen - I know that's very hard to do but try not to work yourself up over them, do your best to ignore them for the simple reason that getting stressed over them leads to a cycle where you get more.

    3) Avoid caffeine in coffees and even coke etc. as they speed your heart up and tend to make palpitations more frequent.

  4. #4

    Re: Heart flutters - propranolol

    Have not been on here for a few months, thanks for replys. Still getting ectopics and still have not took propranolol, I'm trying to ignore them but they are still freaking me out and not going away I've been back to doc a few times who says I'm being too aware but it's not my imagination it's sooo frustrating I wish it would stop

  5. #5

    Re: Heart flutters - propranolol

    i get them too all the time, flutters and skipped beats sometimes weeks without any problem and then anxiety kicks in and they are back. just ignore them, read a book, do some gardening, hobbies, that occupy your mind and you will find they will improve. at one point when bad I tried lowest dosage of xanax (0.25mg) twice a day. no side effects and they really stopped mine for months but not long term solution. i am not taking any medication now for a good few months i still get palps time to time and generally when stressed or anxiety kicks in and what ifs and bad thoughts running round my mind. good luck. swimming excersises help a lot

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: Heart flutters - propranolol

    Its hard to ignore them though I know, and I take propranolol for mine at 40mgs a day, but used to take 80mgs. They do slow your body down a little but compared to having to put up with the palps as they were before, I can live with a bit of slow motion! And my doctor takes them too because he also suffers with missed beats. He said everybody gets them but not everybody can feel them. In fact my hubby only knows his are happeneing if he has his BP checked as they show up on the monitor, but he never feels them...not fair is it?

    I would say don't be afraid of the propranolol, they're just adrenalin blockers and can be taken as and when you need them if that makes it a better way for you to cope with them. If they help then you could stop taking them and see if the palps stay away for a while. You may only need to take them occasionally rather than every day. Just try them out and see what happens. Alternatively, perhaps you could try a natural remedy such as Kalms, available in the health food shops, and I think Boots sell them too.

    ISB x

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Heart flutters - propranolol

    Don't be afraid of the propranolol. They're about the reverse of a cup of coffee.

    You wouldn't be looking at a cup of coffee for several weeks, afraid to drink it because of its effects, would you?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Heart flutters - propranolol

    I'm not a doctor, so don't rely on what I say. All I say is some basic knowledge how propranolol works in human body. Propranolol works in the brain and it controls the production of adrenalin in your body... Before a gland releases adrenalin, it gets a message from the brain (something like 'Go for it, now you are in danger!' ) because adrenalin directly controls the heart rate and sweat reaction (and other stuff I don't know details of). So, if you have an irregular heart beat (i.e. with unexpected palpitations), it is quite likely that taking propranolol would slightly reduce the production of adrenalin in your system, hence on occasions when these palpitations were about to occur (usually when you are in some unexpected stress situation), they would not occur for the adrenalin-reaction of your body would be "managed" and limited by propranolol. In other words, it would be 'blocked' for propranolol is an adrenergic, i.e. a medicament suppressing [the uptake of] adrenalin (note: sentence edited due to a complaint by hanshan). In regards to adverse effects of Nobel-price-awarded propranolol (1988), there have been many scientific tests which have proved that the doses around and over 320mg could have some adverse effects, however probably the "most serious" effect is that you would be feeling drowsy and tired. I have had propranolol for panic attacks, anxiety and impulsivity for years and I think that I am much better now, sort of .
    Last edited by Svojski85; 22-05-14 at 20:00.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Heart flutters - propranolol

    Hello Svojski85,

    Sorry, but propranolol does not control the production of adrenaline in the body. It does, however, block its uptake. With no offense, your explanation, although well-meaning, is confused.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Heart flutters - propranolol

    Quote Originally Posted by hanshan View Post
    Hello Svojski85,

    Sorry, but propranolol does not control the production of adrenaline in the body. It does, however, block its uptake. With no offense, your explanation, although well-meaning, is confused.
    Yes, you are sooo right!

    (I was merely trying to explain something as simply as I could, using some plain language, so even a common man would understand the already quite demanding basics. But don't hesitate and let us all know what other criticisms are on your mind currently; I'm sure you will feel better when you let it all go! Forums are a great anonymous stress relief, so if you want to get technical at all costs, then why don't we start picking up on every single word from now on )
    Last edited by Svojski85; 22-05-14 at 19:57.

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