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Thread: Awful Quetiapine weight gain

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Awful Quetiapine weight gain

    I hate to admit but an eating disorder. Had it since I was 16 and now a wrinkly

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Awful Quetiapine weight gain

    Quote Originally Posted by pulisa View Post
    I hate to admit but an eating disorder. Had it since I was 16 and now a wrinkly
    Ok sorry I wasn't being nosey,putting on this much weight from a drug that is supposed to be helping you is depressing.Can you believe it that they give it to anorexics ,imagine how much that screws with their heads poor things
    dont panic ,put the kettle on

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Awful Quetiapine weight gain

    They refuse to take it apparently. As I would.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Awful Quetiapine weight gain

    I was warned before I started olanzapine about the weight gain but I was so desperate I took it, I suppose a 2 stone gain over 3 years isn't too bad but it has helped immensely lowering my dose from 5mg to 2.5mg, I no longer crave food like I did and now infact I'm underweight so much so my physc wanted to increase it back up but I told her no way, I'm hoping in the new year when I'm in a better place I can come off it completely.
    sorry to read about your eating disorder pulisa, my sister had a anorexia a few years ago and it was heartbreaking to see but fortunately she's alot better now XX
    You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it x x x x x x x x

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Awful Quetiapine weight gain

    Nicola what if anything did you notice going from 5mg to 2.5mg besides the weight loss.For the last few weeks I've had bad headaches and my sleep has been very bad
    I plan to drop the dose again in the new year
    dont panic ,put the kettle on

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Awful Quetiapine weight gain

    Hi Andy, it was tough reducing, I suffered terrible nausea mostly and got the shakes alot, I had previously tried to reduce before and failed because of this but this time I was determined to stick to it, unfortunately the olanzapine has never helped me sleep just helped with my racing thoughts and extreme anxiety, I split my doses and took 2.5mg morning and night so I dropped the night one as I benefit more from it in the morning in my opinion. I did get headaches too but nothing too bad it was mainly bad nausea and the terrible shakes. What I did notice tho was as soon as I dropped the night time dose my appetite decreased immensely, I used to take it around 6-7pm and by 8 I'd be raiding the cupboards for food as I was starving. That doesn't happen anymore and even tho I take it in the morning still it hasn't effected my appetite at all, infact I can go all day without eating until it's teatime which isn't unusual for me as I've always been like that and I was able to loose the extra 2 stone I put on no problem to the point now that I actually weigh less than before I started Olanzapine but effectiveness wise I notice no difference now I'm settled on the lower dose than when I was taking the higher dose. I definitely think the weight gain is dose dependent XX
    You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it x x x x x x x x

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Awful Quetiapine weight gain

    Do these meds influence your eating habits in terms of what you select? I've read that in times of stress the brain craves sugar but when depressed craves fat.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Awful Quetiapine weight gain

    ive had no food cravings since ive been on it,I just steadily piled on weight even though I excercise and have a good diet
    dont panic ,put the kettle on

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Re: Awful Quetiapine weight gain

    Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post
    Do these meds influence your eating habits in terms of what you select? I've read that in times of stress the brain craves sugar but when depressed craves fat.
    Terry as you know I've been very stressed lately. Going on quetiapine I have found myself craving badly for anything sugary.

    Mr Andy are you trying to come off quetiapine? I have been taking them 2 months. I have to take 3 x 25mg tablets each night (75mg). Last night I tried to take 50mg and I've had an awful day today. How slowly are you reducing? The tablets are so small I've not been able to cut them in half to reduce more slowly.

    Any advice on coming off these dreadful tablets would be welcome.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Awful Quetiapine weight gain

    Quote Originally Posted by 23tana View Post
    Terry as you know I've been very stressed lately. Going on quetiapine I have found myself craving badly for anything sugary.

    Mr Andy are you trying to come off quetiapine? I have been taking them 2 months. I have to take 3 x 25mg tablets each night (75mg). Last night I tried to take 50mg and I've had an awful day today. How slowly are you reducing? The tablets are so small I've not been able to cut them in half to reduce more slowly.

    Any advice on coming off these dreadful tablets would be welcome.
    I used to be on quetiapine three years ago but my doctor at the time took me off them cold turkey.I am a lot wiser now so if it was me would reduce very slowly 10% per month or until you feel stable enough for another reduction
    75mg is a very low dose and it only works as an antihistamine at that level,you need to be up and above the 150mg range to get an antipsychotic effect
    2 months is also a short time to be on them so I see no problem with you weaning off them might be a good idea to share your feelings with your doctor and discuss other options.Why was you put on them in the first place ?
    dont panic ,put the kettle on

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