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Thread: cant sleep because of rabies worries, PLEASE REPLY

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: cant sleep because of rabies worries, PLEASE REPLY

    I have done my research and in the United States, there are apparently ways to diagnose rabies before its too late with blood tests and spinal taps and hair. But its just like with the shots, they say they really do not believe I need them and thag its something I really don't want to go through if its not necessary. Rabies doesn't affect you quickly, it takes weeks, sometimes months on average for symptoms to appear which is the main reason I can't relax.. And I don't think I have the flu because I did get a flu shot and my fiance and his sister were both violently ill with flu like symptoms but I only got them lightly so I don't think we had the same thing. Is it possibly for anxiety to mess with your sinuses?? I really didn't know that could happen.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: cant sleep because of rabies worries, PLEASE REPLY

    Plenty of posts on here that would relate sinus trouble and anxiety

    You are wasting so much of your life on this and the hours spent posting on an anxiety forum are hours which could be spent with loved ones. Hope you find peace soon.


  3. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: cant sleep because of rabies worries, PLEASE REPLY

    Quote Originally Posted by flipp View Post
    had a rat bite me in the chook pen
    Ouch, fancy getting bitten there...

    ---------- Post added at 07:08 ---------- Previous post was at 07:05 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by paranoid-viking View Post
    You are right. But I was thinking that it might called the OP down; then again, maybe not.
    But - there is a difference to what you may recieve at private than at public health services; note I know of course that the distinction between public and private health services are different in the US than in Europa where this distinction is clear.
    Anyway - public helath stations/clinics will not waste time on pople with HA for unrealistic fears, but the same does not apply to private clinics where money alwasys plays a factor. While a doc in public sector would say "no, you can`t have the vacine and you dont have rabies" one at a private clinic would say something like "I really do not believe you have rabies; the chanches are extremely low; but if you really can not stop worrying we CAN provide you the vaccine"(for money of course). This is my imporessions from experience with private clinics at least. Of course; it will cost a lot of money, but for some it might be worth it; I dont know.
    It's likely the same over here, ethics go out the window for the cash. That can be seen in the tests they are willing to let you pay for when the NHS would refuse. Private docs can be a HA sufferers enemy.

    I understand where you are coming from. I believe doctors have an ethical obligation no matter whether they are private or public otherwise it's not in the interests of the patient. Sadly, not all of them seem to agree.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: cant sleep because of rabies worries, PLEASE REPLY

    I really appreciate all of your reassurance and it has been helping quite a bit. I am still feeling very out of it and having very scary symptoms. I have been shaking all day and having bad tremors and I feel very tired and I keep stumbling around everywhere and losing my balance. I also had a weird moment earlier where I was in the car with my fiance and suddenly felt like I didn't recognize him for a few seconds and got all confused but I think that could have possibly been a depersonalization thing?? Because once those kind of neurological rabies symptoms start you are usually dead within hours right?

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: cant sleep because of rabies worries, PLEASE REPLY

    My money is on DP for what happened in the car. You have been in a high anxiety state and DP/DR tend to appear in those stages or when really panicking or having panic attacks because it's a form of escape for the mind from the pain. The irony being it tends to just start more anxiety/panic in us with these disorders!

    With high anxiety, you will get very tired. It's exhausting and the body needs to recover from running in a high anxiety state for so long, which means it will try and make you rest. This can mean feeling drained, having brain fog, confusion, feeling out of it, etc. I've had that many times and it can go on for a time, it's not always a quick thing. It can also mean with all the brain fog, your concentration suffers and doing sums is hard, making decisions is hard, motivation goes and it's also possible you don't react very quickly which can all account for what happened in the car too.

    Please try and rest up. Try relaxation exercises too. Get some light exercise for adrenaline, like walking. It can help.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: cant sleep because of rabies worries, PLEASE REPLY

    Rats and mice are always in the chook coup,does that sound better think I must have bloody rabies..

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Re: cant sleep because of rabies worries, PLEASE REPLY

    Quote Originally Posted by LavenderRain View Post
    I have done my research and in the United States, there are apparently ways to diagnose rabies before its too late with blood tests and spinal taps and hair. But its just like with the shots, they say they really do not believe I need them and thag its something I really don't want to go through if its not necessary. Rabies doesn't affect you quickly, it takes weeks, sometimes months on average for symptoms to appear which is the main reason I can't relax.. And I don't think I have the flu because I did get a flu shot and my fiance and his sister were both violently ill with flu like symptoms but I only got them lightly so I don't think we had the same thing. Is it possibly for anxiety to mess with your sinuses?? I really didn't know that could happen.
    OK, so apperantly there is now in 2016 a way to detect rabies virus during the incubation period. Good if that is true; because there were no such things when I had my rabies scare back in 2003. But it still sounds like a very complicated measure; so it is not reasonable to spend health resppurces on testing someone who obviously do not have rabies. But if you can afford it you can probably do it at some expensive private clinic.

    Anyway; since I guess that you have educated yourself on rabies through Google you should no that it would take at least a month from the bite to the disease developes and you claimed to have symptoms just a few days after you claimed to have been in contact with a bat; and you know that is impossible right? And you know that it is impossible to still be able to sit and write online 9 days after the forst symptoms appear right? You know all that of course; right? Use logic. When you think logically and rationally about it you know deep inside that you really do not have rabies either right. You also know that in developed countries rabies is as good as non-existing right; the chances that you get hit by an asteroide tomorrow is just as likely or even more likely. And it is definetely more likely that you may end up in a car crash tomorrow than getting rabies.
    Although rabies in bats has been reported in Norway; the last known case of human rabies here was in 1815, 201 years ago. It is an extremely uncommon disease in humans and virtually non-existing in developed countries.
    Now - I dont know wheter you have an ilness now or not but you definetely do not have rabies.
    Oh - and a friendly advice - please do not do more googlin on rabiies OK? It only makes you feel worse.

    ---------- Post added at 20:18 ---------- Previous post was at 20:05 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post
    Ouch, fancy getting bitten there...

    ---------- Post added at 07:08 ---------- Previous post was at 07:05 ----------

    It's likely the same over here, ethics go out the window for the cash. That can be seen in the tests they are willing to let you pay for when the NHS would refuse. Private docs can be a HA sufferers enemy.

    That`s for sure. I know people who spends a fortune on testing themselves for all kinds of cancer at private clinics at least one time per year. Unfortunately I can not afford that; but being as paranoid as I am I might have done that if I was wealthier.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: cant sleep because of rabies worries, PLEASE REPLY

    I felt a little better yesterday, but today I had a scary experience with throat spasms. I was trying to swallow a pill this morning and I just couldn't. My throat spasmed so badly it almost shot the pill out of my mouth, and when I finally did get it down it was like my tongue suction cupped to the back of my throat and it hurt really bad. Other than that I still feel extremely fatigued and exhausted and jittery but I am really trying to put it down to my anxiety. Although I have been saying really strange stuff and continuously forgetting words for things. I sit there for a few minutes trying to figure out which word I'm trying to use and earlier I said "that's a great game" instead of "movie" and I was trying to tell my grandma about my rabies fears and accidentally told her I think I have diabetes instead of rabies. If this really is all anxiety related it is really messing with me.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: cant sleep because of rabies worries, PLEASE REPLY

    About to try and get some sleep, and I have my anxiety appointment in the morning so I will try and update everyone on how that goes. I am still having throat spasms/trouble swallowing, and earlier my temperature was a tiny bit higher than normal and I had a weird sharp headache right in the space above my nose and between my eyebrows and some blood came out of my nose.. Not a full on nose bleed just a small amount when I blew my nose and it happened a couple of times. I don't know what this means but I'm trying to ignore it.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: cant sleep because of rabies worries, PLEASE REPLY

    Rabies shots themselves are pretty awful, so the hospital staff have to weigh that up. It's not like prescribing a dose of antibiotics.

    Severe anxiety about an illness can mimic symptoms of that illness.

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