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Thread: Best time to take Duloxetine to avoid insomnia

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Best time to take Duloxetine to avoid insomnia

    My doctor just switched me onto this medication from Mirtazapine as that was helping me sleep but not much else. The warning on the packet says it may make you sleepy but the info leaflet says one of the side effects is insomnia. Anyone have experience of this medication and sleepiness / insomnia? Any tips on the best time to take it would be appreciated! I need my sleep!
    Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Best time to take Duloxetine to avoid insomnia

    Quote Originally Posted by PixieP View Post
    My doctor just switched me onto this medication from Mirtazapine as that was helping me sleep but not much else.
    This is no surprise. Mirtazapine is an effective 'sleeping pill' but a lousy antidepressant which is very prone to pooping-out.

    The warning on the packet says it may make you sleepy but the info leaflet says one of the side effects is insomnia.
    Duloxetine can be sedating, however, insomnia is more likely. It depends on how it meshes with your individual biology.

    Any tips on the best time to take it would be appreciated!
    It won't matter much as duloxetine comes in slow-release capsules, plus after 2-3 days plasma levels stabilize to a steady-state and then don't vary much across 24 hours.

    If duloxetine causes insomnia then ask your GP to prescribe a small dose of mirtazapine. Imho, it isn't the best med for the purpose, but is apparently the one the NHS recommends.

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