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Thread: Up sh@t creak

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Up sh@t creak

    Quote Originally Posted by pulisa View Post
    I know my daughter would be absolutely devastated if she were to lose her DLA/PIP. It would severely impact on her mental health and she would consider herself a fraud. She would believe the assessors.

    I would be able to appeal on her behalf though but the psychological damage would have already been done. The result of the appeal would be irrelevant. It wouldn't be about the financial side of things-more the shame of being perceived as a fake.
    I would say I could imagine that, but I really couldn't. I'm sure many a doctor couldn't, not like you who understands her much better from years of observation and navigation of her conditions.

    But I'm not sure they would care. They get paid and go home. I'm sure some do, law of averages and all that and these are people from the caring profession, but the kind that make up lies or do it just to make money when their ethics for being in caring occupations should be more important I don't care about any of those they see.

    I am thinking the questioning alone would greatly upset your daughter as she would view it as questioning whether her behaviour was "right"?

    ---------- Post added at 02:00 ---------- Previous post was at 01:57 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Buster70 View Post
    Hi guys , back home now , firstly thanks to all that have replied and offered advice and support , I know others will be in this position who don't feel they can ask and may get some help from this thread .
    I've read quite a lot about the appeal process and the best way to go about it , I want to get this right so plenty of letters , the amount of people on Google who are saying the assessor lied about what had been said is unbelievable, on my partners letter there are at least three complete lies but the complaints process is a joke , the main problem with the Dwp is no one is accountable for the assessors actions , if plumber messed up and someone died because of his work he'd be locked up but if they say you are fit for work against doctors advice and you drop dead or kill yourself that's the end of it no one has to answer for it , it's almost impossible to make any complaints against them .
    So you know I spend a lot of time pondering about people and the world we live in , I sat at the beach again this morning not wanting to come home , it crossed my mind that we talk on here but have no idea what people look like ( well most ) I could be sat saying morning to another member or having a chat and not even know , we all go about our days hiding our guilty secret , maybe the biker stood staring out to sea could have been bikermatt ok he have to be driven there in his leathers until he fixed up and back on the road , who knows where we all spend our days , the loonies are walking among us .
    The other thing that I noticed is animals also like to stare out to sea maybe looking for the answers or maybe looking to see what I'm staring at .
    Attached photo of ma dowg this morning , the other one was hiding behind me to keep warm and whining to go home .
    Ta ta
    Probably thinking can I play with those or eat them?

    I look at our dog when he's staring into space and wonder what's going through his mind.

    Maybe the sea represents some adventure or opportunity to start anew? I think people have always stared at it in wonder of the ages, it seems to get mentioned in that way as almost a godly thing in nature like a mountain would be.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  2. #32
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    Re: Up sh@t creak

    Quote Originally Posted by Carys View Post
    Well, thats freaked me out now, never considered that until you said it I'm going to be ultra suspicious and on the 'look out' now.

    Look at all those wind turbines, that s amazing!
    Carys I wouldn't be too worried about the loonies among us , im the sort that would pull up in traffic to help someone who had fallen over unlike the norms who drive by , not all loons are wearing clown masks and standing behind you with an axe we are looking out for the odd person we've been warned about and it turns out its us .
    Glad you agree on the turnbines lots of people hate them and think they are and eyesore , free electric and they remind me of the little windmills you got to stick in the sand as a child , All good I say .

  3. #33
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    Re: Up sh@t creak

    We are not loonies though. We are sensitive people who have a great deal of empathy with others who are genuinely having a rough time just getting through each day. I'd rather be anxious and kind than not anxious and totally self-centred.

    I know that assessors don't care what damage they do psychologically to vulnerable claimants. They are just doing what they consider is a job. I know it's going to be very tough when my daughter gets assessed because she finds anything like this incredibly challenging and is very frightened of saying anything in case it's the "wrong" thing..

    I like the wind turbine pic, Buster-and of course your dog gazing reflectively out to sea! Am so sorry you have this hassle.

  4. #34
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    Re: Up sh@t creak

    not all loons are wearing clown masks and standing behind you with an axe we are looking out for the odd person we've been warned about and it turns out its us .
    Phew. I know its me.......

    I agree Pulisa, 100 percent !!!!!!! I've said the same myself, mental health conditions shape and develop a person, often in a very positive way. I know it is hard, painful and upsetting at times, but hey, there are some silver lining aspects.Some struggling is part of me/you/us and it can make you a better and stronger person in many ways.

    Wind turbines - I am scared of them close-up, I have Megalophobia relating to some large man-made objects. Had it all my life and I push myself to sometime try and desensitise myself, with things like radar dishes and pylons and stuff, and go nearer to them. I couldn't go anywhere near these wind turbines, BUT, I think they look amazing from this distance - the beauty of safe, gentle, natural power in motion. Actually, I think I might paint them bright colours to make them look even nicer

  5. #35
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    Re: Up sh@t creak

    We're Goonies! You no longer need a mental picture of me, here I am...


    Good idea, Carys. Paint them like Cow Parade.
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  6. #36
    KK77's Avatar
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    Re: Up sh@t creak

    What makes you think we're "loons", Buster?


    Never Surrender, Comrade

  7. #37
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    Re: Up sh@t creak

    May be it's just me that's the loon , do you guys have circus music playing in your heads all day ?
    Umpa lumpa umpadee doo
    Pulisa you've hit on another of my thoughts , I bumped into a mate ( sort of ) today he was doing a house clearance , he has no conscience and will trample over anything or anyone to make money , I know the chap that died who's house he's clearing and I would play on my mind going through his stuff and there is a lot of it he was a hoarder, would it be better to not give a crap and just get on with life not over analysing everything, he's doing really well for himself and I'm not so who's better off ? It can be a burden having a conscience.
    I guess I'll just stick with doing what I think is right and being poor .
    To picture me just imagine a 6'2 bloke who can't fold clothes , that's me

  8. #38
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    Re: Up sh@t creak

    The difference is Buster, when you get to the pearly gates, you will be in a peaceful and pretty place with beautiful angels waiting on your very command, while the other bloke will be sent below in the dark where he can turf things over all day long never at peace with himself.
    Did I mention I had a vivid imagination?

  9. #39
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    Re: Up sh@t creak

    Quote Originally Posted by Buster70 View Post
    There were a few minging things but not what I had in mind so I guess it's back to the worry factory in the morning .
    Bought a pad today to make a start on the letter to Dwp , I was struggling for inspiration so I thought what would Magic say ?
    Dear pri@k or sh!t head , I sincerely wish I could bestow the gift of anxiety and or depression on you for one week so your tiny uncaring brain could feel the utter despair and give an insight into our daily struggle , you cu@t !
    I might have to work on it before sending
    Spoke to an old lady today parked up at the beach , she said she drives there most days and just sits and watches the sea , she lives alone and probably likes a bit of conversation, she looked very calm and content unlike most people these days .
    Anyway dogs have just had their last walk of the day and it's now absolutely pis£ing it down .Ill let you guys know how it goes with the Dwp , as a last resort I suppose I could apply for a job as a Dwp assessor I was once a Doctor of lager although that might make me over qualified.
    Take care .
    Wished I lived by you Buster. I would help you. I write to the council many times about certain things----but might as well not bothered.
    It amazes me about people who do not do their jobs properly and get paid for doing nothing, zilch.I don't swear at them though, well not yet! I can be very calm at times. I look so innocent,
    Do not phone. Everything in writing and keep a copy
    All the best

  10. #40
    Join Date
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    Re: Up sh@t creak

    Quote Originally Posted by Buster70 View Post
    Umpa lumpa umpadee doo
    ...I've got an antidepressant for you
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

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