Thankyou so much guys for the wonderful replies and the time you took to talk to me, I appreciate it very much

Just going to give a little background on this "accident" and what I mean, I had my first mini pill at 6pm a few nights ago, I had unprotected sex that night, I may or may not have been ovulating, I did warn my boyfriend to pull out just in case but he didn't, and also he doesn't let me read leaflets for medication as I have a tendency to metaphorically poo myself over the side effects, so we were unaware how long it takes for it to kick in - I assumed it had morning after pill powers and just stopped everything immediately but apparently not.

I have been warned by my doctor that my endometriosis could lead to infertility, but this is not always the case, however this furthers my decision to keep a baby if I was ever lucky enough to conceive one. My mother in law explained that her endometriosis was cured during her C-section and that sounds very promising to me. This whole thing is completely unplanned, but the more I think of it, the happier the future looks for me, and somehow not so happy for my boyfriend.

I literally just today got turned down for yet another job (my mum is "gutted" apparently, great vibes there mum) and have been trying for a job for over a year now, it feels like an endless task, and I feel as though I'm just not meant to have one, with every failure I lose more hope and confidence, I've also been learning to drive for almost 3 years now and haven't even got to my test yet, I really am failing at life right now.

Really, all I want right now is for my boyfriend to come over to me, give me a hug, tell me everything will be alright, and just say something along the lines of "what ever happens, I'll be there for you" when all I'm getting is "Me me me me me, don't ruin my life even though my penis kind of did this, me me me me me meeeeee" and that's my boyfriend in a nutshell.

He's very moody, stubborn, selfish, but I have been with him for 4 years now and have seen him every day since I met him, I miss him when he's not around usually and can't imagine going on without him, I'm not sure why I love him so much, but I do, I guess its because he's stuck around all this time and I hate the thought of wasting all of my years on a relationship that never got anywhere :(