Quote Originally Posted by ThroatGoat View Post
Yeah, you're not wrong about that! Still worrying about things and getting myself into a state again.

I've not been googling! Just thinking all the wrong thoughts more than anything I guess.

I hope it's just a virus, but it's certainly taking its time in going, coming up to almost 3 months now.

Thanks FMP! If you're both seeing the same thing, it might be time to try another break.

I'll try not dwell on every niggle too! But the painful swallowing is worrying me at the minute, seems to only be with saliva though which is very odd.

The lump of bloody phlegm really freaked me out too, have had brown specks before, but not actual blood.
Well one good thing is you haven't been Googling The thing is if 2 of us have noticed the same thing how many others also seen it? So you have already accomplished not Googling try and not dwell on these things the virus is just a virus which wont go on it's own, wether that means having your tonsils out and/or some strong antibiotics only your dr and ENT specialist knows what to do Now take that break away and do something enjoyable ATB