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Thread: Need some help with venlflexine and my over thinking please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Need some help with venlflexine and my over thinking please

    Need help please to take venlflexine
    I was on citalopram for years saved my life and not been on them a month now and doc I have to start venlflexine but am emetophobic (fear of vomiting ) and am so so scared to start the venlflexine with over thinking will make me sick etc.. but my anxiety is awful right now am at the sucidal part I just wanna die like now 😭😭 I cant eat cos my throat and stomach so tight I just feel like giving up it’s not dare suffering like this then I sit and get depressed and mad at myself for not taking the tablet and not eating it’s one big circle 😭😭 how can I get through this and just take the venlflexine

    Any good stories please
    trying in little steps

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Need some help with venlflexine and my over thinking please

    I have just started Ven 75mg slow release and have not had any nausea at all, this is day 9 so I guess if I was to feel it it would have been over the first few days. I think you just need to take the plunge and perhaps not read the side affect label when you get them so you don't dwell on anything.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Need some help with venlflexine and my over thinking please

    Quote Originally Posted by honeyp1e View Post
    I was on citalopram for years saved my life and not been on them a month now and doc I have to start venlflexine but am emetophobic (fear of vomiting )
    If citalopram didn't trigger vomiting then venlafaxine is also unlikely too.

    but my anxiety is awful right now am at the sucidal part I just wanna die like now
    I urge you to discuss how you're feeling with your GP asap as there are ways of minimising your distress. Particularly please tell the GP about your suicidal thoughts.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Need some help with venlflexine and my over thinking please

    How are you doing ?
    Did you manage to start your Ven if so, how do you feel.

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