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Thread: the EU & the UK

  1. #1191
    Join Date
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    Re: the EU & the UK

    "Ahead of the next EU summit, new Brexit minister is briefed..."

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  2. #1192
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    Re: the EU & the UK

    Hmm...probably not. I think they will likely fall into Remain like the Greens, to an extent. It's just that XR have some radical demands such as no air travel except in emergencies.

    How can you have views like that and be pro EU? With the Greens it will be about the close relationship and influence of being on the inside (didnt we used to call this selling out? Getting the perks whilst you made some small changes to buy your way past the Pearly Gates?
    ). But how can XR support:

    - encouraging mass movement of labour using trains & planes?
    - removing tariff charges between EU states that allow for the parts to be made cheaper in one and exported to another and often to then be exported back out again.
    - encouraging more diesel lorries onto the roads due to the above as well as more freight via train.
    - encouraging more movement of people through tourism.
    - encouraging the mass movement of food stuffs and agriculture rather than using a grow what you need model.

    The EU is for big business, not generally the friend of the environmentalist.

    XR want radical change, they can't have that and encourage all of f the above unless we are into "do as I say not as I do" territory

    Surely they would want to return to previous manufacturing models where we made what we needed? Where labour was local? Thus making them perhaps happy to Leave a union that stands for the exact opposite?

    All those trendy iPhones they are using on their social media don't get made in the UK, do they? What about the clothes they are wearing? Any middle class members of XR...I hope they don't have the materialistic pursuits of much of their class?
    Last edited by MyNameIsTerry; 25-04-19 at 07:42.
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  3. #1193
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    Re: the EU & the UK

    These are fake revolutionaries doing the bidding of the cabal, diverting attention from real environmental and climate issues. They don't talk about Global weather manipulation projects such as HAARP that are being used to cause floods, earthquakes and fires all over the world. Also, 5G technology which is going to be operating at frequencies that will penetrate deep into tissues of the human body, causing all types of cancers.

  4. #1194
    KK77's Avatar
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    Re: the EU & the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by Hollow View Post
    They don't talk about Global weather manipulation projects such as HAARP that are being used to cause floods, earthquakes and fires all over the world. Also, 5G technology which is going to be operating at frequencies that will penetrate deep into tissues of the human body, causing all types of cancers.
    Also odd that these earthquakes, floods and other catastrophes so often hit the poorest regions on earth

    Never Surrender, Comrade

  5. #1195
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    Re: the EU & the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by KK77 View Post
    Also odd that these earthquakes, floods and other catastrophes so often hit the poorest regions on earth
    Very true, KK. They are testing 5G technology in African countries first, just like how they trial lethal vaccines in poor third world countries . It could be part of another attempt to reduce their population, 5G will cause infertility in children on a huge scale. In-fact, if you are a parent and let your child use a 5G device, you should be arrested for child abuse.

  6. #1196
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    Re: the EU & the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by Pain View Post
    Brexit Day + 27

    Yes, I’d say your appraisal of ‘Extinction Rebels’ seems a fair assessment, Terry.

    Sad to say, this sort of ‘Greenery’ was becoming the ‘accepted’ version years ago (funny how some ecology is more worthy of protection even though it’s all part of the same environment). I think it was around the time I first heard the term ‘Global Village’ that I thought: this is PR deception. Not long after that the Earth turned into a ‘Biosphere’. Big business will latch lamprey-like onto anything – “selling out” indeed!

    Which leads to a peculiar dichotomy here: political right-wingers are supposedly pro-capitalism and materialists, whereas left-wingers are supposedly pro-socialism and humanists. Yet these protesters, despite all their espoused beliefs sounding decidedly left-wing, come across as materialists. As you mention, Terry, they’re avid consumers of technology and want the ‘freedom’ to wander at their leisure. I suspect they’re not averse to embracing other mass-produced way-markers of status.

    Perhaps it is the case that these ‘Rebels’ see ‘Rebellion’ as more attractive than the cause…? Especially when they can spend a few days in London with their mates and maybe get that ultimate in modern status: face-on-the-telly.
    Didn't the radicals used to be the ones who lived on the fringes of society? They rejected consumerism as much as possible and looked like they did. I'm not saying you have to if you are committed to saving the planet but in the case of XR they have the same demands as those old radicals yet seem like they consume like those who don't.

    The Cotswolds is an unlikely bolt hole for those on the fringes given property prices

    Do you suspect it's just a case of a popular cause? How many are the truly committed and how many have seen a trendy cause to support for a short while? How many students do it and then end up in the same race for houses, cars and family as the rest?

    Want to save the planet? Ban having kids The planet will live on no matter what we do to it...we won't. Sadly, we take other species with us in the process. But how are we going to tackle the increasing population?
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  7. #1197
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    Re: the EU & the UK

    Life is just bits of tiny things colliding and creating new things, at least to me. Humans have made it something they must understand, regardless of if you ever find out it will mean no more than what a donkey thinks about it all. And human rights are a social construct which I doubt an asteroid is particularly worried about...
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  8. #1198
    Join Date
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    Re: the EU & the UK is the relevance of a second referendum in the EU elections? Loving the word "hate" in the socialist group name, not in any way divisive
    Last edited by MyNameIsTerry; 27-04-19 at 05:02.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  9. #1199
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    Re: the EU & the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by Pain View Post
    Brexit Day + 29

    Love Socialism, Hate Brexit”

    There’s that grossly overused word ‘hate’ again. I think it should be banned because no one seems able to use it correctly anymore (there’s a whole list of such words).

    But that catchy little slogan makes complete, unambiguous sense if the “Love” means ‘zero’, as in tennis….
    The funny thing is, I was expecting this to be an activist group but it's actually a group of MP's! So, at a time of such division you use overly emotive terms that only divide more

    Kate Osamor is one of them. Isn't she the one who's son is a drug dealer and was running for a councillor position and being employed by mummy despite potential conviction? A fine moral guardian. She's prone to outbursts and assaulting journalists with buckets of water and threatening with a baseball bat, isn't she? One of Corbyn's shadow ministers who had to resign over all this.

    They describe themselves as radicals...that being radicals arguing we keep the status quo?

    Recently Clarke stated politics around Brexit are like student union politics. I think he was right, just not in his one sided manner.
    Last edited by MyNameIsTerry; 30-04-19 at 14:12. Reason: Typo
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  10. #1200
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    Re: the EU & the UK

    Some reporting that May is due to try another vote on her deal but this time remove the backstop to try to prove that it will pass if they sort that. Surely that is only going to suck in the ERG vote?
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