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Thread: Why no cure!?!

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Re: Why no cure!?!

    So I thought I was doing well and pushed the boat out trying to do normal things but the over riding fear of another panic attack just wont shift.

    Had a minor one last night and its filled me with dread all day.

    I try and talk with my wife but I'm not getting through and I feel even more alone. I feel like a failure.

    I try and take my meds and try lead a normal life but I'm so aware of my heart beating the slightest increase and I start to lose thought control and work up another panic. It's insane but I just cant break this cycle.

    I still want a miracle cure.

  2. #32
    KK77's Avatar
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    Re: Why no cure!?!

    There are 3 perceptions you have repeated numerous times throughout this thread, Colin. I think they are important:

    1. Your wife not understanding what you go through. (Feeling isolated in your suffering.)
    2. Wanting a (miracle) "cure". (Unrealistic and idealistic expectations.)
    3. Feeling a "failure". (Subsequent outcome of above 2 points.)

    I think these are the areas for you to work on alongside your general panic/anxiety disorder.

    Never Surrender, Comrade

  3. #33
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    Re: Why no cure!?!

    Quote Originally Posted by ankietyjoe View Post
    Well there's your answer.

    The key now is to accept the panic attacks. The more you worry about them, the more they'll happen.

    It's probably worth noting that even though you don't mind the work stress, your CNS might.
    Mind feels so weak all the time, I also fear my wife has just had enough of my condition and wont be honest with me.

    I just want to feel normal.

  4. #34
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    Re: Why no cure!?!

    Look up the book 'Essential Help For Your Nerves' by Claire Weekes, buy it, read it. Infact, she has written lots of books - I think I mentioned them on your thread before, but can't remember clearly. There is NO need to feel fear of panic attacks, they won't do anything to you, the sooner you just accept them, and as she advocates 'float' through them, then quicker you will get clear of them.

  5. #35
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    Re: Why no cure!?!

    Aha, yes, I did post the below back in copy and pasting here again....

    The cure is there, its inside yourself, not with a doctor. By reading, understanding, following cbt-type techniques and retraining your thoughts about panic attacks you can banish them. What did if for me, and I'm boring as I've said this so many times, is the old Claire Weekes books. Panic attacks don't kill, they are a temporary high adrenaline state with all its associated physicological changes. Talking yourself through them with phrases such as 'So, a panic attack, it'll pass soon...I'll get on with something else till it does', 'I'll accept this and not be scared of it, as it can do nothing to me', 'ah here we are, as expected a panic attack, well nobody dies from them so neither will I',will make it disappear so much quicker. Its when you remain afraid of them and adrenaline keeps on increasing that the problem arises. Lose the fear. Make a list on paper, stick it to the fridge of phrases like this, if panic appears then read them out loud, repeat and repeat.

    It takes practice, effort and repetition to reassure yourself and start being able to curtail them. Many people look to others for 'cures' and want it magiced away, but the good news is that you have ownership of this, you have the power and ability within yourself.You aren't a victim of something that is outside your control. Is it easy to 'cure'? For some it is quick and successful with no blips, for some it takes effort for a long period of time, it takes courage and stead-fast sticking to the retraining approach. Just like giving up smoking, or similar, some drop back into allowing panic to take hold. I had my first panic attack at 12 years old and years of them controlling me;I am now 50 and I'd be lying if I didn't say they appeared now and again. However, armed with years of experience and skills in dealing with them, including not avoiding situations where they have occurred, I can squish them quickly (not fight them! but allow them to be till they pass). Instead of being scared of them, now they just p[&%$ me off Look up some books from the stickies or articles on this thread?

  6. #36
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    Re: Why no cure!?!

    I just cant seem to find a cure in myself. I have my work which keeps me distracted but at home my mind wanders.

    I'm really struggling to break free and stop my mind from wandering. If my wife isn't home and I'm with the kids, more likely to panic. If o wake up in the middle of the night, 9/10 it will be a full on attack.

    I fear any exercise has having had panic attacks during exercise was the worst feeling I've ever had.

    I read all of the advise but my mind feels so feeble.

  7. #37
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    Aug 2017

    Re: Why no cure!?!

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin44 View Post
    I just cant seem to find a cure in myself. I have my work which keeps me distracted but at home my mind wanders.

    I'm really struggling to break free and stop my mind from wandering. If my wife isn't home and I'm with the kids, more likely to panic. If o wake up in the middle of the night, 9/10 it will be a full on attack.

    I fear any exercise has having had panic attacks during exercise was the worst feeling I've ever had.

    I read all of the advise but my mind feels so feeble.
    I think what helps me the most is not fearing the panic attacks, they aren’t pleasant of course and far from it but they can’t hurt us, we can let it happen and it will pass and in my experience they get easier each time. Avoidance only makes them stronger.

    Positive vibes,


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    The woods are lovely, dark and deep,

    But I have promises to keep,

    And miles to go before I sleep. - Robert Frost

  8. #38
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    Aug 2011

    Re: Why no cure!?!

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin44 View Post
    I just cant seem to find a cure in myself. I have my work which keeps me distracted but at home my mind wanders.

    I'm really struggling to break free and stop my mind from wandering. If my wife isn't home and I'm with the kids, more likely to panic. If o wake up in the middle of the night, 9/10 it will be a full on attack.

    I fear any exercise has having had panic attacks during exercise was the worst feeling I've ever had.

    I read all of the advise but my mind feels so feeble.
    It's not just reading the advice, it's practicing that advice for months and months on end.

    If you fear your heart rate rising because of exercise, go out for a walk. Make it rise, then just deal with it when it does. I know it sounds brutal, but that's what you have to do. I had to do it for months on end to start to feel normal, and that was after 3 years of doing literally nothing. I would barely walk to the car and back.

    When you go for a walk and your heart rate rises, just keep telling yourself over and over again that's what it's supposed to do. Then if it turns into a panic attack, just deal with that too. Let it be, let it happen. Then when it does, tell yourself over and over again that you've had them before and they pass.

    Stop complaining about feeling like a failure (which we all do), and do something that'll make you feel like a bit less of a failure. Expose yourself to the things you fear, whilst at the same time telling yourself they're not dangerous.

    And do it again, and again, and again. That's the cure you wish for.

  9. #39
    Join Date
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    Re: Why no cure!?!

    DId you get the book I recommended ?

  10. #40
    Join Date
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    Re: Why no cure!?!

    I've ordered a couple, bedtime reading. I'm also reviewing what I eat, trying to focus on losing weight again, setting some life goals long and short term. Need to keep myself busy with projects, too much downtime is dangerous for my mind.

    I know I sound like a broken record but I feel I struggle more than others reading these posts.

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