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Thread: the EU & the UK

  1. #1221
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: the EU & the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by Pain View Post
    Brexit Day + 38

    From the remainers’ bible – The Guardian:

    The Tory right would vote en bloc against what Jacob Rees-Mogg has already condemned as “an attempt by the political establishment to avoid Brexit, to have a pretend Brexit”. In this instance, he would be correct: any such customs arrangement would, of necessity, involve the continued jurisdiction of the European court of justice (or what is called “disguised subservience”, achieved by the creation of a new arbitration tribunal that is, in practice, governed by the rulings of the ECJ). And, in spite of recent claims to the contrary, the EU would never allow the UK to make its own trade deals.’

    Blimey! has one of The Guardian gospel writers finally seen the light? Are we about to witness the mass conversion of remainers on their road-to-Damascus?...

    A great many Labour MPs would oppose a pact with the Tories on principle. On both sides of the house there would be a (perfectly legitimate) fear of the public’s perception that the whole venture was precisely the sort of elite scam that they voted against in 2016...

    And on it goes:

    ‘…A deal that nobody opted for in the original referendum, brokered by two flailing party leaders in a desperate bid to save their skins: who wants that? Who could possibly be satisfied by that? The public are angry about Brexit already…

    This is too good to be true – where’s the catch? Oh! here it is in the very last sentence:

    …It’s time to give them a final say.

    And what happens if a Bref2 returned a leave-supporting result? Fast rewind to an earlier part of that article:

    …a fresh referendum would infuriate millions of voters who thought they had made their position perfectly clear in 2016. It would be idle to deny that many might indeed be affronted – especially if the campaign to stay in the European Union were foolish enough to frame the argument as a rematch rather than as a completely new judgment….

    The author strongly hints he knows what would happen - a similar situation would prevail, but with the added clamour for full Brexit being reinforced. So therefore the remainers must make sure history only repeats itself up to the point of re-running a referendum but not the referendum. This is about as dishonest as it gets, folks. Change the rules, hide the goal posts, tilt the playing field; do anything to block the opposition their chance of winning the same game again!

    For anyone interested in the whole article:
    I'm not sure what they expect to happen. There are only two real options 1) total nuclear leave or 2) sod you all we are remaining and don't care what you think. Anything else is to try and bridge a gap that is impossible as so many will never accept it either way. Make your bed and take your lumps at the GE's.

    But it's a spectrum and as ever with all voting it's going to be what the centre, the swingers, are willing to accept. The hardcore of either side, just like any GE, don't win elections as they are not the majority.

    This is what May is trying to do, a bit of both. It will never be accepted by some because some won't accept Remain or Leave no matter what, hence if they are minorities then they will cease to be worth trying to get acceptance from. If you can pass votes without the likes of the ERG and UKIP voters (those that have remained) then you can live on. You can't have both. Some will just argue "that was never on the voting slip" no matter which way you go. And in the middle of all this we have "ooh Jeremy Corbyn" with another battle, socialism trying to get in. Within Labour they have their own battle against this and their sitting back when it comes to their associations with harder left anti Semitic types.

    I wonder how these votes would have gone of Labour was more New Labour? I suspect there would have been a real battle against Remain but also the Tories might have found brokering a deal easier...New Labour liked to promise we plebs stuff but they weren't afraid of waving stuff through with arrogance that they knew better too.

    I did have to laugh when Juncker has yet again "I should have intervened" Obama was liked and even he got a pretty much universal "don't meddle in our country" from both sides let alone one of the arrogant EUcrats, a figurehead of what people were unhappy with, giving them a lecture and not even understanding the issues within their own country when doing so. He said Cameron asked him not to intervene yet that didn't stop him getting on the phone to tell Cameron to clamp down on any lies though did it? And we never heard anything about ROI/NI so he could have intervened on behalf of ROI to raise the hard border issues...yet nothing. Just another after action hero.

    The EU have been firm, no trade deals with their CU. They don't allow it. It's not that it's a legal requirement of the WTO as far as I have read, it's an internal EU policy. They give you access to the SM in return, something the WTO don't cover either. If you want that market you cede your sovereignty over trade in the process. Turkey has a weak CU with the EU and even they are bound by that. For Corbyn to suggest we can agree a unique one where we get it all takes us back into the same circles as "they need us more than we need them" and the same arguing for Corbyn's CU have been poo-pooing that one all the way. I suspect what Corbyn wants in a CU would take years to negotiate and unless we were truly needed it could be turned down by other states unless they saw it as a way they could also argue this right for themselves. Wouldn't that amount to a compromise of EU core values?

    It's bollox.

    As you say, it's disingenuous and they know it. If we are to have a "People's Choice" I would want separate voting on the issue of leaving and how. I'm happy to vote against May's deal but only if something else says I'm not in favour of Remain in doing so. But I doubt the slippery eels would ever allow us this...But I guess it gives me a good laugh at those who've spent two years sneering "you've got your sovereignty back now accept what the government agrees as it's what you wanted" become complete hypocrites whining about wanting another vote because they don't like the deal.
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  2. #1222
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    Mar 2014

    Re: the EU & the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by Pain View Post
    Brexit Day + 40

    Pffft and double pffft!, KK.

    Terry.... By your popular request (sort of):

    International outcry of vote re-run after democratic result declared void

    ‘Move condemned as “treacherous” and “the end of democracy…”

    What’s all this? The world now decrying the practice of re-running voting until the ‘correct’ result is obtained…? This must surely be referring to Bref2?

    No, it’s nowt to do with Brexit, after all – it’s the mayoral election for Istanbul. Well, now there’s a thing – fifty-one percent of the vote went against Turkey’s government choice… this all sounds a bit old hat, doesn’t it? And all this outcry over the election of a mayor… try removing countries from the EU.
    Turkey could just look at the UK for an example of how to frustrate a vote. It's funny though that when it's not a vote on your side the international "outcry" for democracy comes out

    I notice May has offered a compromise. A temporary CU that runs to the next election and whoever wins that GE has to come up with a solution. I wonder how many seconds it took for Labour to see through that trap? It perhaps puts them a bit on the spot about their continual push for a GE right now..."we want one but not if we have to really get involved in Brexit"
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  3. #1223
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    Re: the EU & the UK

    This must be more of that student politics Clarke was talking about: So the LibDems are getting into bed with Change UK. I wonder if that might ring some bells for those who remember Cable allying with the Tories not so long ago? It does also suggest they realise they are too weak on their own. A weird world where we have an independent backed by them making him/her far from independent?
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  4. #1224
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    Re: the EU & the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post
    This must be more of that student politics Clarke was talking about: So the LibDems are getting into bed with Change UK. I wonder if that might ring some bells for those who remember Cable allying with the Tories not so long ago? It does also suggest they realise they are too weak on their own. A weird world where we have an independent backed by them making him/her far from independent?
    If Farage leads with a similarly puerile slogan perhaps "Shit or get off the pot" would be appropriate?
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  5. #1225
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    Re: the EU & the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by Pain View Post
    Brexit Day + 41

    Mrs May hasn’t got a clue how to deliver anything like an all-singing-all-dancing Brexit.

    Mr Corbyn’s now wittering on about a second referendum being a “healing process”, but only as a placebo to soothe away the ills brought about by the lack of Brexit progress. Mealy-mouthed stuff, because he can’t come out and say he supports Bref2 and claim to respect the original ref result and not look a complete twerp all at the same time. And still he persists in his very bad magic trick: ‘McGuffin’ – the fantastic, invisible, never seen or heard in public “alternative plan” .

    Then the LibDems chime in with their simple (and I mean simple)refrain of they being the only party who can solve Brexit, by the contrived expedient of using Bref2 to cancel the whole programme.

    Hey! Here’s a great idea. Let’s do the show right here, right now!
    Healing, but only if it goes a certain way?

    He's busy blathering on about society again and ducking Brexit questions. He says the question should really be "but what kind of society do we want to live in?"...although I'm not sure "one outside the EU" would be received well

    He's just on the fence again, the everyman. Nice and easy when you're the opposition, a time honoured political stance.

    If Labour can't decide anything within their own ranks it's hardly surprising they aren't making any gains. Both parties are extremely weak.
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  6. #1226
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    Re: the EU & the UK

    Sighting of the Lesser Spotted Young Brexiteer on QT:
    Last edited by MyNameIsTerry; 10-05-19 at 17:32.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  7. #1227
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    Re: the EU & the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by Pain View Post
    Brexit Day + 42

    ‘Lib Dems tell those offended by “B******s to Brexit” messaging to get a sense of humour.’

    What I say to this is a) if it were intended as a joke it’d have to be funny or at least witty! and b) it isn’t even original – it’s been hanging around like a bad smell for months. Is this really the best the ‘intelligentsia redux’ remainers can come up with? I bet everyone’s glad they spent the money on getting an ‘education’….

    Guy Verhofstadt says he wants to send a message to people on the continent to “…never repeat Brexit again”.

    Chilling stuff from an arch Eurocrat with villainous pretensions – where is James Bond when needed?

    PS: Weirdly, that cut and pasted slogan with B******s intact came up asterisked out when I uploaded it, yet Terry's rude scatology got through. Selective censorship! It's not even my

    PPS: And yet again! B******s!!!
    Spare a thought for the people of Sc.unthorpe, they've had a worldwide ban for decades And the actress Hilary Sw.ank who gets censored on here. Perhaps shit has become so much a part of daily life it's no longer seen as a swear word? Lets thank ourselves this isn't a Scottish website then

    Guy V is over here to join forces with Cable promoting stopping Brexit. What, foreign politicians meddling abroad? They've said it a few times about stopping it happening again...all very sinister indeed.

    I suppose we should be thankful for small mercies since Cable could have chosen one of those "hurry up and die old people" ones, that age group he's also a member off
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  8. #1228
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Re: the EU & the UK

    And how was Nigel Farage appearing on QT not a problem
    The Brexit Party has no history yet of representation .... yet....

    Lib Dems & Greens do well in the Local elections and get no representation on QT, hows that fair
    Dudley Moore: Do you feel you've learnt by your mistakes here?
    Peter Cook: I think I have, yes, and I think I can probably repeat them almost perfectly.

  9. #1229
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    Re: the EU & the UK

    Are the BBC going for shock value? Get more views. They also don't, and it would be hard to even achieve it, reflect the big wins of the independents. Change UK are on QT though so that's another party with no pedigree, who also ducked the local elections. I don't really see why Change UK get much publicity as they seem a bit pointless, other than Soubry being a polarising character....
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  10. #1230
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    Re: the EU & the UK

    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

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