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Thread: Excessive Gas, Stomach Noises and toilet Changes What Is it?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Excessive Gas, Stomach Noises and toilet Changes What Is it?

    Past few days to a week, I've had a bit of stomach and toilet issues. Not sure what from, excessive gas, which is accompanied by stomach gurgling noises, and my bowel movements have been up and down the past few days to a week, it started with a loose stool (not runny), then it was very hard to about the same now, but stomach cramps from it too. Not sure what's going on? A little worried.

    I'm 32, female, hypothyroid, don't drink or smoke, don't eat red meat, don't drink any lemonades, mostly water, but not sure if its a food thing causing this, or something serious like a bacterial thing?

    It's very uncomfortable and makes me worried what to eat, and if I'm going to get diarrhea or something. Is it something serious?

    I suffer with anxiety and depression, but not sure if this would contribute to it, I've been dealing with a lot of stress in my personal life as well, so this isn't helping.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Excessive Gas, Stomach Noises and toilet Changes What Is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by mischamoonlight View Post
    Past few days to a week, I've had a bit of stomach and toilet issues. Not sure what from, excessive gas, which is accompanied by stomach gurgling noises, and my bowel movements have been up and down the past few days to a week, it started with a loose stool (not runny), then it was very hard to about the same now, but stomach cramps from it too. Not sure what's going on? A little worried.

    I'm 32, female, hypothyroid, don't drink or smoke, don't eat red meat, don't drink any lemonades, mostly water, but not sure if its a food thing causing this, or something serious like a bacterial thing?

    It's very uncomfortable and makes me worried what to eat, and if I'm going to get diarrhea or something. Is it something serious?

    I suffer with anxiety and depression, but not sure if this would contribute to it, I've been dealing with a lot of stress in my personal life as well, so this isn't helping.
    Stress can cause all these symptoms, I've had your symptoms many times. You already have an autoimmune condition (hypothroid) so it could be IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) which isn't serious, just a nuisance. You may have a bacterial issue, so if it continues see your Dr. It could be any number of things maybe Helicobactor Pylori, which you can be tested for and treated. It's not serious and is treated with antibiotics and omeprazole. I had it 16 years ago.

  3. #3
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    Apr 2013

    Re: Excessive Gas, Stomach Noises and toilet Changes What Is it?

    Yeah, you're probably right, it seems a bit easier today just mostly gurgling sounds, but I'm trying to see what foods may be causing it and cutting out stuff to find something. Hopefully it will ease a bit, and I have been abnormally stressed past couple months as well. Thanks!

  4. #4
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    Apr 2013

    Re: Excessive Gas, Stomach Noises and toilet Changes What Is it?

    Had another bad bout today, only one. It's never like bad diarrhea, it starts off with bad stomach cramps, and when I do go the toilet, it's more just soft rather than diarrhea, loose but it is hard to go when I do feel the need. I always get worried on the weekend because can't get to the doctors if it's a bacterial thing. I'm drinking water throughout the day, at least a litre or so.

    I just feel groggy and tired, and worn out, so this isn't helping either. That's the 3rd time in the last week or so I've had this cramping and then soft stools, day after its usually quite hard and solid, sometimes a little sharp, well, you get what I mean! It's also the week I'm suppose to be getting my periods, so not sure if that's contributing to it as I have PCOS as well?

  5. #5
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    Apr 2013

    Re: Excessive Gas, Stomach Noises and toilet Changes What Is it?

    I don't know if the readings are correct on my wrist blood pressure, but they seem really high, I just took it several times and its reading systolic 120/130 and Diastolic over 90 to nearly a 100?? I'm starting to really panic about this, this is serious right? My temperature isn't high 97.1-2. and my heart rate is between 70-90's?

    Why is my blood pressure so high? I'm getting really panicky about this, and feel like I'm getting hot flushes?

    Does this have to do with me reducing my 10mg Propranolol to every 2nd day instead of every day?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Excessive Gas, Stomach Noises and toilet Changes What Is it?

    Was just around at my out of hours doctor, about my stomach and what not. He examined my stomach, took my pulse, blood pressure and said they were fine, just had a lot of stomach noises so sounded like a gastric problem. No temperature.

    He gave me two tablets if my tummy got really painful, but if not theirs no need to take them, and to take some Diorlyte I think its called? Like a powder you mix into water, hydrates and electrolytes so it might help the viral thing. He said it wasn't ringing any red flags, sounded gastric and to keep hydrated, pulse, temp and BP were all fine he said.

    Beside that, temples of my head are so tense and sore, think from working myself up from my home BP reading, and it completely set me off. Way to start my birthday! So exhausted, sorry, wanted to update you, still having tummy noises and such.

  7. #7
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    Apr 2013

    Re: Excessive Gas, Stomach Noises and toilet Changes What Is it?

    Having another bout of loud bowel noises, followed by cramps and a lot of gas. Not sure what food could be causing it, but last few days I've had this what I would describe as (a aching or full/pressing I don't know how to describe it sensation) in my upper left side under my rib area. I don't get it a lot but thought it might have been my spleen inflammed perhaps?

    It comes and goes throughout the day, mostly when I'm sitting or it gives that funny bone sensation when I'm laying in bed on my right side, can feel it a little achy or uncomfortable, not terribly just noticeable to me. I don't know, just thought it was to do with my spleen or something?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Excessive Gas, Stomach Noises and toilet Changes What Is it?

    Basically what you and dozens and dozens of others have described is what I've been living with since treatment. It is what it is. I take some OTC remedies to try and stabilize it but I still have ups and downs. Kind of an inconvenience sometimes but it's all part of the new normal after treatment. I have a reason for my issues as do you. While we share the same physical symptoms, one is medical in nature and the other psychological. And while my physical issues are permanent, you're in an envious position with your age and physical health, to address your mental health. It's been years Mischa. Take a stand against the dragon and give him some hell for a change!

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Excessive Gas, Stomach Noises and toilet Changes What Is it?

    If you have autoimmune conditions (which you have with hypothyroidism) then you really should be on a gluten free diet. I started this diet 2 weeks ago and my stomach & bowels issues have been so much better, worth a try.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Excessive Gas, Stomach Noises and toilet Changes What Is it?

    @Fishmanpa Hi! Yeah, I'm hyper focusing on everything I know, which is probably not helping all the noises and cramps and side pains as well! I'll try cut out a few things from my diet to see if it makes any changes and go from there, and if the left side discomfort persists this week, I'll just see the doc about it and get it checked, I could only think of my spleen on that side, but sitting positions and leaning certain ways and so on probably aren't helping that either. I'll try to stop burning myself from that inner dragon lol!

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