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Thread: Wonderful Brain Tumour Anxiety

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Brain tumour fear / brain zaps

    Hi all,

    I hate that I am here once again after so many years of feeling totally in control but .. there we are.

    I’ve had a horrible year, my husband walked out when my daughter was two months old and was vile to me after for months, we’ve since divorced (this was all out of the blue) my daughter then got sepsis and nearly died which was by far the worst. Weirdly I was okay throughout this and managed to cope very well but towards the end of the year ive been extremely stressed.

    I tried to go back to work but my anxiety lifted and I’d say it’s been at a high for months now.

    Anyway.. past all that.. I had a bad cold a month ago and since that had full sinuses it felt like .. my ears felt full and I started to Become off balance .. and felt like things were moving (checked out and not an ear infection) this was all checked and maybe it’s viral labrynthitis ?!
    They don’t know but I’ve had a headache mostly on top and what feels like my brain almost cuts out for a millisecond .. I can’t explain it.. it so hard to explain the feeling but it’s a momentary feeling like a odd feeling in my head then goes away..

    This all came to a head yesterday when I nearly had a pani. Attack and had to take a diazepam to calm down because I felt so out of control! It’s the first time it scared me and I haven’t had one in years!!

    Anyway I now am concerned I have something wrong with my brain.
    I can do all basic brain tests (finger to nose with eyes closed etc etc) but I’m now worrying and over thinking something isn’t right .. I’m so fed up with it all this anxiety and it’s been great for years and suddenly i feel I’m back to square one and this time with a 1 year old and no husband to try and support me. Any help?! Ideas?!

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: Brain tumour fear / brain zaps

    Quote Originally Posted by Alexldn89 View Post
    Hi all,

    I hate that I am here once again after so many years of feeling totally in control but .. there we are.

    I’ve had a horrible year, my husband walked out when my daughter was two months old and was vile to me after for months, we’ve since divorced (this was all out of the blue) my daughter then got sepsis and nearly died which was by far the worst. Weirdly I was okay throughout this and managed to cope very well but towards the end of the year ive been extremely stressed.

    I tried to go back to work but my anxiety lifted and I’d say it’s been at a high for months now.

    Anyway.. past all that.. I had a bad cold a month ago and since that had full sinuses it felt like .. my ears felt full and I started to Become off balance .. and felt like things were moving (checked out and not an ear infection) this was all checked and maybe it’s viral labrynthitis ?!
    They don’t know but I’ve had a headache mostly on top and what feels like my brain almost cuts out for a millisecond .. I can’t explain it.. it so hard to explain the feeling but it’s a momentary feeling like a odd feeling in my head then goes away..

    This all came to a head yesterday when I nearly had a pani. Attack and had to take a diazepam to calm down because I felt so out of control! It’s the first time it scared me and I haven’t had one in years!!

    Anyway I now am concerned I have something wrong with my brain.
    I can do all basic brain tests (finger to nose with eyes closed etc etc) but I’m now worrying and over thinking something isn’t right .. I’m so fed up with it all this anxiety and it’s been great for years and suddenly i feel I’m back to square one and this time with a 1 year old and no husband to try and support me. Any help?! Ideas?!

    Thank you
    I doubt you have a brain tumour. Have you spoken to your GP about your concerns? I get sinusitis all the time and when I get it, I get an awful pressure headache and lose my balance.

    I think the "weird brain feeing" you describe is an anxiety symptom. Sometimes when I have bouts of severe anxiety I almost feel in some moments as if my head is disconnected from my body, which is very common with sufferers of anxiety.

    If you are that concerned I suggest you make an appointment with a GP and be honest with him/her about your concerns. That's what I did, and it makes you feel a lot better.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Brain tumour fear / brain zaps

    Quote Originally Posted by Anxiouscow View Post
    I doubt you have a brain tumour. Have you spoken to your GP about your concerns? I get sinusitis all the time and when I get it, I get an awful pressure headache and lose my balance.

    I think the "weird brain feeing" you describe is an anxiety symptom. Sometimes when I have bouts of severe anxiety I almost feel in some moments as if my head is disconnected from my body, which is very common with sufferers of anxiety.

    If you are that concerned I suggest you make an appointment with a GP and be honest with him/her about your concerns. That's what I did, and it makes you feel a lot better.

    Thank you for replying
    Thing is in my head I know these things Have only just come in since being stressed but it’s just so tiring ya know?! I feel so alone with it right now and am just feeling so defeated. My limbs feel week. I feel angry.. I can hide most of it but it’s horrible for me I felt I was past all this!

  4. #4
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    Jan 2016

    Re: Brain tumour fear / brain zaps

    Quote Originally Posted by Alexldn89 View Post
    Thank you for replying
    Thing is in my head I know these things Have only just come in since being stressed but it’s just so tiring ya know?! I feel so alone with it right now and am just feeling so defeated. My limbs feel week. I feel angry.. I can hide most of it but it’s horrible for me I felt I was past all this!
    I know exactly what you mean. I would definitely go and see a GP but instead of focusing on brain tumours or stuff like that, maybe focus on anxiety and see if you can get some help with that.

    God bless.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Brain tumour fear / brain zaps

    Hi, I feel your pain 100%! I’ve been in the same boat for a nearly a month now, had a virus which has lingered and my ears have felt full but I’ve also felt detached from myself, like I’m dreaming, been to the Drs a fair amount too, and possibly had blocked inner ears, but the anxiety is so so high.
    I can totally sympathise with you

  6. #6
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    Jan 2017

    Re: Brain tumour fear / brain zaps

    Quote Originally Posted by Hck80 View Post
    Hi, I feel your pain 100%! I’ve been in the same boat for a nearly a month now, had a virus which has lingered and my ears have felt full but I’ve also felt detached from myself, like I’m dreaming, been to the Drs a fair amount too, and possibly had blocked inner ears, but the anxiety is so so high.
    I can totally sympathise with you
    Urgh it’s awful isn’t it?!
    I absolutely hate this! I’m actually an undertaker so my health anxiety can get out of hand when I see and hear certain things but then weirdly it also stops me being an absolute nutter about it ya know?!
    It’s hard because no one understands.
    My ex husband did but he left last year out of the blue and I’m surprised I didn’t have a breakdown Tbf .. but he understood me and had issues of his own so I felt safe. That safety is gone and everything worries me. Ya know?! It’s so hard some days... I’m coming down from this major episode and am in the stage of “Alex, if it’s going to kill you, nothing you can do will prevent it if it’s meant to happen”.. which means I’m getting there but still.. it’s tiring as I’m sure you can agree! You just want a day without wondering why you have a headache or neck ache or is my vision funny.. is my speech slurred.. I literally pick at all of it!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Wonderful Brain Tumour Anxiety

    Hello all.
    I’ve been having a bad time and my health anxiety has really started to go kicking into a high gear.

    Before Christmas I had some hideous cold that seemed to be all in my head. I was blowing my nose and the usual vile coloured mucus was coming out and it was really hard to shift Tbh!
    Around the same time I had noticed I was dizzy, I kept brushing into this particular wall at work that sticks out which made me wonder why I was always doing so. I then sat and realised I have been a little off balance since having my daughter. Just lke a stumble here and there. So obviously ... my HA kicked in BIG TIME.
    Now focusing on it 24/7...
    I am still dizzy. I say dizzy but it’s a weird sensation in my head. Just an odd feeling like my head feels full or I’m feeling a bit dizzy in my head.. it just doesn’t feel right?!
    No headaches as of yet.. I was having a stabbing feeling in the same place in my head for months but that stopped about two months ago and I don’t really get headaches.

    I’ve had an eye test and all was fine.

    But I’ll get moments where I think I’m high anxiety
    And it feels like my face is dropping one side and I panic .. look in the mirror and I can still smile and my face is fine etc. My speech can go a bit funny or at least I think it is or I feel like I’m gonna lose the ability to say anythjnf.. or try and pronounce things properly because I think I’m not .
    I can still do the neurologists tests to see if my brain is functioning (touching finger tip to nose) etc etc

    To make matters worse at work I had two clients come in in the same week to talk about funerals becuaSe they had brain tumours. I discussed it with one of them and he told me how he would go to touch something and miss it and that was his only real obvious issue that bothered him.

    So naturally that has kicked this all into gear!

    I had an mri in 2017 becuaSe a few years prior due to a hole in the sack around my brain I lost lots of fluid and was very poorly and so forth.. so I guess my head is naturally a worry anyway.

    But I can’t get past this worry.
    I don’t understand why I can’t let it go and I’ve seen a doctor who said she thought it was ear related and gave me anti dizziness drugs.

    If it was just pure dizziness but it started so long ago looking like things Were moving around me (this has stopped now) and now it’s just this funny feeling in my head and I feel dizzy or like a pressure. A weird sensation with my head. It’s so hard to explain.. I just am so fed up ..

    So I wanted to hear from people who feel the same, who have felt it etc etc and those with advice!
    Everything helps If it’s positive and helps me move forward ..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Wonderful Brain Tumour Anxiety

    Nothing like hearing about brain tumours to make you think you have one! One summer, a couple of friends of friends of friends were affected and then I suddenly noticed my pupils were different sizes... cue epic and entirely unnecessary freakout.

    Remember, the anxious mind can create all manner of weird sensations.
    ************************************************** ********
    Sometimes, it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. - Terry Pratchett

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Re: Wonderful Brain Tumour Anxiety

    I questioned if I had a brain tumour yesterday causing my anxiety

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    Re: Wonderful Brain Tumour Anxiety


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