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Thread: The Politics of Covid 19

  1. #131
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: The Politics of Covid 19

    Quote Originally Posted by Pamplemousse View Post
    Same as here. Take a read of this:

    I think the only likelihood of change occurring here is if there was to be a Starmer/Moran coalition in 2024 which admittedly is unlikely, unless Brexit turns out to be such a calamity that the disorder and disruption it causes makes Covid-19 akin to the day KFC ran out of chicken and the Tories flee with their stuffed bank accounts abroad.

    Even then I seem to recall that a proposition to change to PR was defeated in 2010?

    Politics, fundamentally, is a mess here. Vast numbers of the electorate are disenfranchised by FPTP in the UK and it only takes a few thousand voters to completely change the makeup of the country once you take the 'tribal' seats out of the equation.
    All parties have them and legal eagles like this guy have their beaks firmly in given how great Brexit has been to him. You got to love them covering it up thinking that wouldn't look even worse.

    Wasn't it AV as PR got watered down by the coalition? I'm not convinced these systems would work for us either. Germany has problems with coalition government at the moment but they've been successful in the past but they are well used to them. 2016 onwards proved how everything stops if there is a big issue cutting across parties. The previous coalition had it's problems.

    So although PR should give us more say I wonder if we would become disenfranchised by a lack movement on issues? I don't think it's the system as much as the snouts that are in it. It's like exec jobs in the public sector: you get sacked for being crap (well, you get paid off) then find yourself shuffled into another elsewhere.

    I don't think Starmer will last. He has appeal but also baggage. He was key to watering down Brexit to the point of forgetting it all but offered no solutions to the problems things like FOM cause for those who voted for it in the north. To his credit he accepted it once Boris won a majority but I think he also saw the opportunity to slink away letting Jezza take the hit. People are going to remember his actions and he's yet another London-centric MP which will distance him with those elsewhere just as they did/do for others like him. They are looking after their own constituents so it's to be expected but the rift was growing through the Blair years and Corbyn was a big nail in that coffin.

    Brexit would have to go massively wrong to see a Lab-Lib coalition in my opinion . They would be pushing to rejoin. Starmer would have to recapture the areas they lost with an unpopular front bench. And the blame may not all be on the Tories anyway considering the flawed EU stance in negotiations. You could end up with some nose holding to vote Tory with factors like this.

    I certainly wouldn't want to place any bets for next year! I can see BoJo slinking off to the next gravy train though.
    Last edited by MyNameIsTerry; 07-08-20 at 04:53.
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  2. #132
    Join Date
    Apr 2017

    Re: The Politics of Covid 19

    Woman Punches Teen Boy in Walmart for Not Wearing Face Mask


  3. #133
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: The Politics of Covid 19

    Miriam Margolyes on Boris Johnson:

    "[He] couldn't direct shit into a paper bag"

    Johnson is a singularly useless individual, a true member of the so-called elite feted by fools and xenophobes because he "got Brexit done". When you look at what has happened in just a few years with benefits and so much else I can only conclude that you have to be a psychopath to vote Tory.

    Johnson more than anything else wants to be an ex- Prime Minister: freed from any responsibility again - his casual siring of children to the point he doesn't know how many he actually has - would have caused outrage amongst Tory voters were the tables turned and indicates his true personality. Freed from responsibility, he can go on the after-dinner circuit and charge fifty grand a speech and enjoy all the privilege he craves.

    What was it said about the harlot?

  4. #134
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: The Politics of Covid 19

    Quote Originally Posted by Hollow View Post
    Woman Punches Teen Boy in Walmart for Not Wearing Face Mask

    Poor show.

    I'd have put the little ******* on the floor.

  5. #135
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: The Politics of Covid 19

    Quote Originally Posted by Pamplemousse View Post
    Poor show.

    I'd have put the little ******* on the floor.
    What's that directly got to do with politics?

    And I thought YouTube were supposed to be clamping down on videos of that particular nature.

  6. #136
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: The Politics of Covid 19

    Quote Originally Posted by Lencoboy View Post
    What's that directly got to do with politics?

    And I thought YouTube were supposed to be clamping down on videos of that particular nature.
    Hardly a punch is it, just looks like two people with not enough going on in their lives who’ve decided to march around telling people to wear masks.

    Their argument kind of dies by physically touching and being within 2 metres of the maskless villains though, right?

  7. #137
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    Dec 2014

    Re: The Politics of Covid 19

    Quote Originally Posted by Gary A View Post
    Hardly a punch is it, just looks like two people with not enough going on in their lives who’ve decided to march around telling people to wear masks.

    Their argument kind of dies by physically touching and being within 2 metres of the maskless villains though, right?
    As long as she sanitised her hands afterwards...

    However, she does *almost* fit the stereotype of that new phrase to hit the lexicon: a 'Karen'.

  8. #138
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: The Politics of Covid 19

    Quote Originally Posted by Lencoboy View Post
    What's that directly got to do with politics?

    And I thought YouTube were supposed to be clamping down on videos of that particular nature.
    I didn't post it...

  9. #139
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: The Politics of Covid 19

    Quote Originally Posted by Pamplemousse View Post
    Miriam Margolyes on Boris Johnson:

    "[He] couldn't direct shit into a paper bag"

    Johnson is a singularly useless individual, a true member of the so-called elite feted by fools and xenophobes because he "got Brexit done". When you look at what has happened in just a few years with benefits and so much else I can only conclude that you have to be a psychopath to vote Tory.

    Johnson more than anything else wants to be an ex- Prime Minister: freed from any responsibility again - his casual siring of children to the point he doesn't know how many he actually has - would have caused outrage amongst Tory voters were the tables turned and indicates his true personality. Freed from responsibility, he can go on the after-dinner circuit and charge fifty grand a speech and enjoy all the privilege he craves.

    What was it said about the harlot?
    Oh come on, PM..You like him really Who would really relish being PM at the moment when you're a sitting target for frightened people who want "answers" where there is just uncertainty. At least this is the UK and not some godforsaken country where people are treated as easily dispensable cattle.

  10. #140
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: The Politics of Covid 19

    Quote Originally Posted by pulisa View Post
    Oh come on, PM..You like him really Who would really relish being PM at the moment when you're a sitting target for frightened people who want "answers" where there is just uncertainty. At least this is the UK and not some godforsaken country where people are treated as easily dispensable cattle.
    Tell me you had your tongue in your cheek when you wrote that.

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