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Thread: Relapse! Coping, Symptoms and Tips.

  1. #2681
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Relapse! Coping, Symptoms and Tips.

    Thank you Mrs S, but I happen to think that about you!
    If someone has you to tend to their needs, they couldn't be in better hands. x

    Lovely to hear from you glassgirlw
    I think a lot of people have lost their inspiration to do their hobbies during this weird situation we are all in.
    Although it's a good thing to do the things that bring us comfort and pleasure, it sort of seems all irrelevant with what's going on. It's actually draining keeping up with the constant changes that have changed our lives and affected our minds so much!
    I always say, "do what you feel like doing". And if that's snoozing in front of the tv, then that's what your mind needs for now. x

  2. #2682
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: Relapse! Coping, Symptoms and Tips.

    Oh bless you Carnation what a lovely thing to say, brought a tear to my eye, l can honestly say you are an inspiration when l have read what you have been through your a wonderful person xxxx

    Hope you are doing okay Pulisa your my lovely friend on here too thanks for being there for me lately xxxx

    l wish all you lovely people well too xxxx

  3. #2683
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Relapse! Coping, Symptoms and Tips.

    Aww, Mrs S I've been through no more trauma than anyone else. You are very kind. x

    I also have to add that Pulisa has been very supportive to me in my ongoing woes even though she has a mountain of stuff to deal with in her own life.
    And she is very much appreciated. x

    There are many people I have met throughout my time on NMP who have comforted me through bad times and have been a voice in a time where I needed guidance or support.
    And life is about helping others in their hour of need. No one should feel alone in their suffering. x

  4. #2684
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Relapse! Coping, Symptoms and Tips.

    It's really hard to get help in the real world despite all the hype and platitudes so at least there is NMP where people actually "get it" and can offer their advice based on personal experience. Yes we are just on an online forum but we can still be "there" for people who are desperate for help and someone to talk to..

    If I can help anyone on here it makes me feel better as I'm certainly struggling myself to keep things going in my own life!! Thanks for your lovely comments, Mrs S and Carnation xxx

  5. #2685
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Relapse! Coping, Symptoms and Tips.

    Pulisa, here anytime for you. xx

  6. #2686
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Relapse! Coping, Symptoms and Tips.

    Thank you, Carnation xx It's been a terrible year and I have horrible decisions to make in the coming weeks but I will just have to cope as best I can for my children's sake.

  7. #2687
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: Relapse! Coping, Symptoms and Tips.

    Quote Originally Posted by pulisa View Post
    Thank you, Carnation xx It's been a terrible year and I have horrible decisions to make in the coming weeks but I will just have to cope as best I can for my children's sake.
    Whatever it is that lies ahead I'm sure you will get through it you are very strong and very positive lady, you have helped me so if you ever need to talk I'm hear for you and you Carnation take care you lovely ladies xx

  8. #2688
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Relapse! Coping, Symptoms and Tips.

    Pulisa, any difficult decision that has to be made that is probably life changing should be made to benefit the all round picture. That might include the future and the wellbeing of those concerned. When you have decided, you then must not regret the decision you made which will have been thought through for much time anyway.
    Life is all about decisions and many are not easy ones to make but if you follow your gut, then it will no doubt be the right one. x

    Mrs S, support is here for you too. x

    And I hope any readers feel they can ask if they need too. x

  9. #2689
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Relapse! Coping, Symptoms and Tips.

    So here's me and my update....

    The chart I made is really helping and I've even tried one of the chakra healings. The root chakra for grounding.
    This involves taking very slow steps and breathing in as you take a stride and letting out the breathe as you put your foot on the floor. Not to be done all the time as you won't get anywhere or get anything done,lol. But a few minutes, probably somewhere private as people might think you are doing a strange moonwalk.
    It helps with our breathing because we do shallow breathe not even realising it.

    I've got to the point with my anxiety where I felt like I was walking on a cloud. Any carpet, mat and even my slippers, made me feel so floaty I thought I was going to take off at any minute. And as much as we carry on our day acknowledging and discarding the way we feel, it got to a point where I needed to do something.
    I know from experience and knowledge that I am highly sensitised. Mr C sounds ten decimals louder and I keep telling him to stop shouting. The brightness of artificial light is making my eyes feel sore as is my phone and laptop screen. Although you can dim those or change the background to suit, which I have done.
    I hear every sound in multitude and can hear the workmen ten doors down as if it was outside my home.
    I can even hear the conversation of my nextdoor neighbour on the phone.
    So it seems I have a super power in hearing Although I know it's down to being highly sensitised.

    With that brings strong emotions.
    Tears come when I watch the TV. Whether it's the nominees of 'The Pride of Britain' or a wildlife programme showing an animal in distress or just a scene from a drama or soap where there is someone ill or struggling, and that's not even real. The tears flow.

    And being highly sensitised is why my heart seems to be pounding and when I lay on my side my heart beat is heard quite pronounced through my ear which can be irritating for getting to sleep.
    It's not because there is something wrong, it's just being over sensitised caused by high anxiety.

    Even touch is affected. Some fabrics in clothes might irritate you. If you touch your leg, you might feel a tingling sensation. You might feel hot one minute and shivery cold the next. It's very common to feel like this with anxiety.

    Along with that might come bodily twitches and sharp pains that appear from nowhere.
    And when you eventually get a break from all these woes, a wave of extreme fatigue comes over you that even prising yourself from the sofa to the bed is a task in itself.

    Eventually this will pass and is normally a result of too much stress and worry and its reassuring to know that many others feel the same and are going through the exact same thing as yourself.
    So in times like this, avoid anyone or place that can cause you stress. Take moments to breathe, meditate, do something you enjoy or distract like a crossword or puzzle. Rest, sleep longer, eat and drink well. Listen to music. Remind yourself that you are not losing it and is just down to high anxiety and eventually it will pass. x

  10. #2690
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: Relapse! Coping, Symptoms and Tips.

    Hi Team.
    Have been crazy busy for the past two weeks but am forcing myself to step back from my job and take a little time for myself. I'm sorry to hear so many of you are going through a rough phase. The only thing I can offer as encouragement is reminding yourself that this ALWAYS passes and gets better again, it's just really difficult to remember that when we're going through a bad time. So keep chanting: "this too shall pass".

    On September 22 I boarded a plane (first time in a year, thanks to the pandemic) and visited my daughter, her husband, and my two grandkids. Wow . . . a 2 year old and a 3.5 year old have a LOT of energy! I actually booked a nearby hotel and stayed there for the 6 nights because I welcomed the chance to pick and choose which hours to be there and be able to leave when I needed a break. And I hate to admit this, but I really couldn't wait to get back home. Not only do I miss the comforts of home and my own routine and hobbies and lifestyle, I had just gotten a phone call while I was boarding the plane out there that I had gotten the job I interviewed for a few days before. So I was really excited to get back and dive in and was too distracted during my visit to really enjoy the visit. I guess the timing was just bad. Plus, my husband came on this trip with me (I usually go alone) and, as some of you know, all this togetherness is not always a good thing.

    So I'm back, I've been at the new job for four days, and of course I've totally poured myself into it. I'm thrilled that anxiety has not reared it's ugly head in a while now so please remember that you CAN get to the other side of this awful mental illness and perform as a somewhat "normal" person. I know it will still sneak up on me from time to time, but I truly think the longer the stretches are between the attacks, the more our brains and body start learning to make that the new normal instead of being in that highly sensitized state that makes our adrenaline start pumping at the slightest challenge.

    Regarding your work with chakras, Mrs. C? You might be on the right track.... keep going with that. A few weeks ago I started chanting a Buddhist mantra every time I feel anxious or stressed and it seems to really help. And several times a day even when I'm not stressed I keep chanting it.... it seems to bring a sense of peace to me, as well as reminding me to breathe deeply and slowly for a minute. Positive affirmations are good, too. And yes, keeping busy and distracted is probably the best cure, but not always possible, sadly.

    Be well my friends. Hope the world (and us) starts seeing better things in the very near future.

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