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Thread: Horrible burning inside

  1. #31
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Horrible burning inside

    Mrs S, we all have comfort eating, I can't seem to live without cake!
    Just throw in a few greens with your dinner and have a bit of fruit.
    Sending you hugs

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: Horrible burning inside

    Quote Originally Posted by Carnation View Post
    Mrs S, we all have comfort eating, I can't seem to live without cake!
    Just throw in a few greens with your dinner and have a bit of fruit.
    Sending you hugs
    Thanks Carnation l am going to try really hard thanks for the hugs sending you 🌹🌹flowers xx
    sorry they're not Carnations 🤗xx

  3. #33
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Horrible burning inside

    Thank you Mrs S xx

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: Horrible burning inside

    hi everyone had a shocking night last night, l woke up with my arm numb and pins and needles in my left arm, l went into total panic, l just couldn't rationalise anything l kept thinking heart attack,

    So today l feel very vulnerable tired and anxious, l have done some meditation and l have been resting, I'm worried about going to work tomorrow what with me being on new medication, l don't want to have a melt down in work, but l have had alot of time off because of my anxiety just feel like I'm letting everyone down xx

  5. #35
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Horrible burning inside

    Mrs S, that's happened to me hundreds of times and it's normally if I've been laying awkwardly or I've been clenching my fist in the night. Please don't think it's anything to do with your heart. Your readings are perfectly fine. That unfortunate incident at the Docs has put you on high alert and causing you anxiety.
    Time will help this to pass.
    As for work don't put any pressure on yourself see how you feel in the morning. You come first remember that. xx

  6. #36
    Join Date
    May 2020

    Re: Horrible burning inside

    Quote Originally Posted by MRS STRESS ED View Post
    hi everyone had a shocking night last night, l woke up with my arm numb and pins and needles in my left arm, l went into total panic, l just couldn't rationalise anything l kept thinking heart attack,

    So today l feel very vulnerable tired and anxious, l have done some meditation and l have been resting, I'm worried about going to work tomorrow what with me being on new medication, l don't want to have a melt down in work, but l have had alot of time off because of my anxiety just feel like I'm letting everyone down xx
    Hi Mrs S so sorry to hear you had a bad night. I’m always getting pins & needles in my arms & hands when i wake up, you were probably laying awkwardly on your arm maybe. I know its so hard to have to work when you’re feeling so rubbish but if you feel up to it go in because sometimes just being out of the house & mixing with others can make you feel better & take your mind of it all, i’m sure you won’t have a meltdown because you can do this you’re stronger than you think, we’re all much stronger than we give ourselves credit for. Really hope you feel better soon, let us know how you get on tomorrow if you can, take care

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: Horrible burning inside

    Oh thank you Redsmum for your lovely reply, l know your probably right about lying on my arm but because l have had such high blood pressure and have started heart tablets my mind went on the worst case scenario,

    l will let you know about tomorrow and once again thanks for your support and kind words take care xx

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: Horrible burning inside

    Hello everyone still a bit under the weather so as bad as l feel l'm taking the week off work and on top of all this blood pressure and meds changes l now got a sore throat and blocked nose 🙄

    So I'm trying to relax and not overthink things because that's when l start to think to much, l wish l felt well enough to be in work it keeps me busy, so instead l thought the dreaded time of year is on its way so l been Christmas shopping online its helped xx

    hope your all doing well peeps 🤗

  9. #39
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Horrible burning inside

    Hi Mrs S,

    Like I say in my previous post, (think you missed it).
    Don't put any pressure on yourself you come first!
    Retail therapy is always a good distraction.
    I'm sure there's many people taking more time off than they would normally, so don't you be feeling guilty.
    A week will give you time to adjust to meds and you'll be in a much better mind frame. xx

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Horrible burning inside

    Glad you've found something that helps and choosing presents for other people is distracting and therapeutic, I find..Anything which draws you away from symptom focusing and worry.

    You've had a setback, Mrs S but you'll be back at work soon and more able to function after a week to get over this scare..You'll be missed by the residents, I'm sure! It's good to be valued by you are xx

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