I followed his advice anyway. I ran out the weekend because doctor hadn't accounted for the increase and prescribed me more. My cotton wool brain forgets everything.

The running out after the increase was awful. Since start back up Monday I'm always sleepy. It's not helping the problem I initially explained to the doctor. Sounds like he doesn't know what he's on about. I'll call him next Monday to explain its not helping. I bet my bottom dollar he will increase the diazepam. I say this because he said he can't increase the paraxotine I'm on top dose.

I'm a million times better than I was 12 months ago. Coming off the meds isn't a solution at the moment. I have tried and I go straight back downhill.

But I think I'm beyond the care of a doctor to be prescribing whatever he "thinks" is best because my psychiatry people are the only ones that can. As I said, I think they've booted me off now though so the doctor has free reign. Bad idea imho but this is the failure of the system.