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Thread: I feel gutted that millions of mink were killed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    I feel gutted that millions of mink were killed

    I can't help but feel sad that Denmark killed millions of mink who had contracted COVID. Here's me holding a tiny hamster in my hand, and millions of animals have been slaughtered at the hands of humans.

    A human problem caused the virus. Mink get it, so humans play God and decide they need to die.

    How would you feel if a more superior race was to say "Oh it's time for humans to die".

    So sad.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: I feel gutted that millions of mink were killed

    Quote Originally Posted by WiredIncorrectly View Post
    I can't help but feel sad that Denmark killed millions of mink who had contracted COVID. Here's me holding a tiny hamster in my hand, and millions of animals have been slaughtered at the hands of humans.

    A human problem caused the virus. Mink get it, so humans play God and decide they need to die.

    How would you feel if a more superior race was to say "Oh it's time for humans to die".
    How do you know that Covid wasn't a foretaste of that idea for humans?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: I feel gutted that millions of mink were killed

    For better or worse, I think the Danish authorities were simply erring on the side of caution at the height of the mink mutation scare.

    Had they simply been caught napping and turned a blind eye to said issue it might have rendered some or all of the Covid vaccines useless, and inadvertently prolonged the pandemic, causing even more pain and suffering for nearly everyone worldwide in the long run.

    Better safe than sorry.

  4. #4
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    Re: I feel gutted that millions of mink were killed

    Quote Originally Posted by Pamplemousse View Post
    How do you know that Covid wasn't a foretaste of that idea for humans?
    you know how suggestible I am.
    The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.

    “I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” - Richard Feynman


  5. #5
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    Re: I feel gutted that millions of mink were killed

    Quote Originally Posted by Lencoboy View Post
    For better or worse, I think the Danish authorities were simply erring on the side of caution at the height of the mink mutation scare.

    Had they simply been caught napping and turned a blind eye to said issue it might have rendered some or all of the Covid vaccines useless, and inadvertently prolonged the pandemic, causing even more pain and suffering for nearly everyone worldwide in the long run.
    Why is it even considered normal to do this? I'm infuriated here. I don't understand why humans think it's normal to wipe out millions of animals for their benefit. To f**k with that. Humans don't get to decide what lives or don't.

    This world is pure evil.
    The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.

    “I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” - Richard Feynman


  6. #6
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    Mar 2020

    Re: I feel gutted that millions of mink were killed

    Quote Originally Posted by WiredIncorrectly View Post
    Why is it even considered normal to do this? I'm infuriated here. I don't understand why humans think it's normal to wipe out millions of animals for their benefit. To f**k with that. Humans don't get to decide what lives or don't.

    This world is pure evil.
    I agree this world is pure evil, but in this particular instance the Danish authorities are essentially damned if they do and damned if they don't.

    I won't say any more on this matter.

  7. #7
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    Re: I feel gutted that millions of mink were killed

    Quote Originally Posted by WiredIncorrectly View Post
    Why is it even considered normal to do this? I'm infuriated here. I don't understand why humans think it's normal to wipe out millions of animals for their benefit. To f**k with that. Humans don't get to decide what lives or don't.

    This world is pure evil.
    I'm totally with you on this Wired. It isn't just mink, multitudes of species are being exploited across the globe. Elephants for ivory, rhinos for the horn where there are only two individuals of the northern race of White Rhino left alive. Many areas of tropical rain forest are felled for cattle farming. Yet more rain forest is cleared to grow palm trees because we use palm oil in so many processed foods. This gives rise to vast, sweeping monocultures totally useless to native wildlife while turning delicate ecosystems on their heads.

    Arctic ice retreats year on year, releasing trapped methane from the melting permafrost, thus accelerating further climate change. Polar bears now have to hunt further and further south as their natural habitat disappears. And their white fur which has evolved through natural selection over thousands of years, now stands out like a sore thumb on a darker background. Mothers now can't catch enough prey to feed their cubs and so they die.
    'It was a wedding ring, destined to be found in a cheap hotel, lost in a kitchen sink, or thrown in a wishing well' - Marillion, Clutching at Straws, 1987

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: I feel gutted that millions of mink were killed

    We do it here too. Basically it's quick & cheap. We have a bird flu case somewhere where a cull may have now happened.

    But even worse is having fur farms in the first place. Shoved in tiny cages eating each other. And all for some rich nob to have a nice coat.

    Thankfully banned in the UK.

    Were a superior species do it to us it would just be the same. But a lot of innocent people get caught up in that not just those who play a role.
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  9. #9
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    Re: I feel gutted that millions of mink were killed

    Quote Originally Posted by Lencoboy View Post
    I agree this world is pure evil
    I wouldn't say this world is evil. Take humanity out of it and evil wouldn't exist would it?

    It's people who are the problem, and even then it's a minority - not the majority.

    Part of the problem is that some humans have a desire to be more powerful than nature. Beautiful and majestic animals are seen as trophies - despite the fact that it took a bullet, rather than strength, to bring them down - which isn't exactly a fair fight.

    I vote we remove their guns and see how well they fare with lions and tigers. (my money is on the lions and tigers)

    I think that killing an animal for pleasure (sport hunting) is morally wrong - end of - but obviously many people do think it's morally ok.


    If you've ever watched one of David Attenborough's documentaries there's invariably a hunting scene where one animal hunts and rips apart another one. In our house this tends to happen when I'm just about to eat my tea. Death is agonising and messy. Is it evil when a lion rips a gazelle to bits and feasts on the poor sod's innards? Of course not. It's nature - just as much as when a moggy presents its owner (or the person who buys the cat food) with a dead bird, mouse or whatever. Cat's chuffed with itself. Owner retches their way to the outside bin..

    There is a necessary need for hunting (eco system etc) because an out of balance eco system means extinction for certain species which has a knock on effect with other species and nature in general, but hunting for pleasure is abhorrent to me. The thought that a human being should derive pleasure from taking the life of an innocent animal sickens me.

    Problem is also that people have different ideas of what's acceptable and what isn't. Take rats who are God's creatures as much as any other yet most people don't hesitate in calling in the exterminator when Roland and his family set up home in their houses. To be fair, rats are disease carriers and The Black Plague (rat fleas) killed shit loads of people and we've all done history lessons so we generally see the rat in a negative way. Also, the buggers chew through wires which makes them potential fire starters, so it's necessary to move these creatures on, but this should be in a humane way which releases them into the wild. When it comes to their place in the ecosystem - they are scavengers - little hoover-uppers and seed populators - not to mention food for other animals. They are also biologically similar to us which is why they are used in medical experiments, and some people thing that's wrong except that their mum, dad or child gets to beat cancer because of the rat's role in scientific experiments. Rat's life or my kid's? Rat's life or me being able to take a drug which will keep me alive (and with my son) for longer? You know the answer. Does that make me evil? No, it makes me human.

    Personally, I think we should use evil murderers for these experiments and make their existence actually count for something beneficial, but that's against their human rights apparently...
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  10. #10
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    Re: I feel gutted that millions of mink were killed

    Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post
    I wouldn't say this world is evil. Take humanity out of it and evil wouldn't exist would it?

    It's people who are the problem, and even then it's a minority - not the majority.

    Part of the problem is that some humans have a desire to be more powerful than nature. Beautiful and majestic animals are seen as trophies - despite the fact that it took a bullet, rather than strength, to bring them down - which isn't exactly a fair fight.

    I vote we remove their guns and see how well they fare with lions and tigers. (my money is on the lions and tigers)

    I think that killing an animal for pleasure (sport hunting) is morally wrong - end of - but obviously many people do think it's morally ok.


    If you've ever watched one of David Attenborough's documentaries there's invariably a hunting scene where one animal hunts and rips apart another one. In our house this tends to happen when I'm just about to eat my tea. Death is agonising and messy. Is it evil when a lion rips a gazelle to bits and feasts on the poor sod's innards? Of course not. It's nature - just as much as when a moggy presents its owner (or the person who buys the cat food) with a dead bird, mouse or whatever. Cat's chuffed with itself. Owner retches their way to the outside bin..

    There is a necessary need for hunting (eco system etc) because an out of balance eco system means extinction for certain species which has a knock on effect with other species and nature in general, but hunting for pleasure is abhorrent to me. The thought that a human being should derive pleasure from taking the life of an innocent animal sickens me.

    Problem is also that people have different ideas of what's acceptable and what isn't. Take rats who are God's creatures as much as any other yet most people don't hesitate in calling in the exterminator when Roland and his family set up home in their houses. To be fair, rats are disease carriers and The Black Plague (rat fleas) killed shit loads of people and we've all done history lessons so we generally see the rat in a negative way. Also, the buggers chew through wires which makes them potential fire starters, so it's necessary to move these creatures on, but this should be in a humane way which releases them into the wild. When it comes to their place in the ecosystem - they are scavengers - little hoover-uppers and seed populators - not to mention food for other animals. They are also biologically similar to us which is why they are used in medical experiments, and some people thing that's wrong except that their mum, dad or child gets to beat cancer because of the rat's role in scientific experiments. Rat's life or my kid's? Rat's life or me being able to take a drug which will keep me alive (and with my son) for longer? You know the answer. Does that make me evil? No, it makes me human.

    Personally, I think we should use evil murderers for these experiments and make their existence actually count for something beneficial, but that's against their human rights apparently...
    I agree with the bulk of what you've said here Nora. I like to think the majority of humans today are concerned about our impact as a species on this planet and our fellow creatures that share it. And we should be concerned because screw this one up and that only leaves Mars, but with an average temp of about -30C I can't see us colonising the red planet any time soon.

    As individuals we can only do so much. Turn off electrical items that are left on unnecessarily etc, try to save on heating, try not to waste food etc. Don't buy real fur, go veggie and so on. But its up to governments to step up and in the developing world, governments there are likely to want what we have. And its difficult to criticise them for that when we've been exploiting the planet's resources for so long, pots and kettles. Its wealthy people in the first world including a huge market in China, that provide poachers in many African countries with the incentive to machine-gun elephants, then remove the tusks with chainsaws. Just so some rich collector can have ivory ornaments on his mantlepiece that are carved in the shape of...elephants. How ironic. Ditto Rhinos for their horns, its used as an aphrodisiac in the far east while the rest of the animal is left to the vultures.

    This kind of exploitation has been going on for many years now, its just become more efficient. Even now Japan has started whaling again, its almost like 'oh there's lots of whales now, so let's start slaughtering them again'.

    Just on the subject of rats Nora, a recent documentary on Channel 5 about the plague in London 1665 led to the conclusion that rats and their fleas were not the main cause of transmission. They now believe it was human body lice, now extremely rare but common back then. And you're right, rats have their niche within the ecosystem, we just don't like them because they're very successful.
    'It was a wedding ring, destined to be found in a cheap hotel, lost in a kitchen sink, or thrown in a wishing well' - Marillion, Clutching at Straws, 1987

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